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* Core: helper methods and main libraries loader
* Zed. The immensity of stars. The HyperShip. The people.
* (c) 2010, Dereckson, some rights reserved.
* Released under BSD license.
* @package Zed
* @subpackage Keruald
* @author Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson <>
* @copyright 2010 Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson
* @license BSD
* @version 0.1
* @link
* @link
* @filesource
/// ///
/// Configures PHP and loads site-wide used libraries ///
/// ///
//No register globals
ini_set('register_globals', 'off');
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
//Load libraries
include_once("config.php"); //Site config
include_once("error.php"); //Error management
include_once("mysql.php"); //MySQL layer
include_once("sessions.php"); //Sessions handler
include_once("autoload.php"); //__autoload()
/// ///
/// Information helper methods ///
/// ///
* Gets the nickname from the specified perso ID
* @param integer $perso_id The specified perso ID
* @return string The perso's nickname
function get_name ($perso_id) {
global $db;
$perso_id = $db->sql_escape($perso_id);
$sql = 'SELECT perso_nickname FROM '. TABLE_PERSOS . " WHERE perso_id = '$perso_id'";
if (!$result = $db->sql_query($sql)) message_die(SQL_ERROR, "Can't query persos table.", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
return $row['perso_nickname'];
* Gets the user ID from the specified username
* @param string $username The username
* @return integer the user ID
function get_userid ($username) {
global $db;
$username = $db->sql_escape($username);
$sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM '. TABLE_USERS . " WHERE username LIKE '$username'";
if (!$result = $db->sql_query($sql)) message_die(SQL_ERROR, "Can't query users table.", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
return $row['user_id'];
* Gets an information from the application global registry
* @param string $key the registry's key
* @return string The key value
function registry_get ($key) {
global $db;
$key = $db->sql_escape($key);
$sql = "SELECT registry_value FROM " . TABLE_REGISTRY . " WHERE registry_key = '$key'";
if (!$result = $db->sql_query($sql)) message_die(SQL_ERROR, "Can't read registry.", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
return $row['registry_value'];
* Sets an information in the application global registry
* @param string $key the registry key
* @param string $value the value to store at the specified registry key
function registry_set ($key, $value) {
global $db;
$key = $db->sql_escape($key);
$value = $db->sql_escape($value);
$sql = "REPLACE INTO " . TABLE_REGISTRY . " (registry_key, registry_value) VALUES ('$key', '$value')";
if (!$db->sql_query($sql))
message_die(SQL_ERROR, "Can't update registry", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
/// ///
/// Misc helper methods ///
/// ///
* Generates a random string, according the specified format.
* <code>
* echo generate_random_string('AAA111'); //this could output SDQ245.
* </code>
* @author Pierre Habart <>
* @param string $format The format e.g. AAA111
* @return string a random string
function generate_random_string ($format) {
for ($i=0;$i<strlen($format);$i++)
if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]/",$format[$i]))
$add=$t_alphabet[mt_rand() % sizeof($t_alphabet)];
if (preg_match("/^[a-z]/",$format[$i]))
$add=$t_number[mt_rand() % sizeof($t_number)];
else $add="?";
return $str_to_return;
//Plural management
* Returns "s" when the $amount request a plural
* This function is a French plural helper.
* @param $amount the amount of objects
* @return string 's' if $amount implies a plural ; '' if it implies a singular.
function s ($amount) {
if ($amount >= 2 || $amount <= -2) return "s";
* Returns "x" when the $amount request a plural
* This function is a French plural helper.
* @param $amount the amount of objects
* @return string 'x' if $amount implies a plural ; '' if it implies a singular.
function x ($amount) {
if ($amount >= 2 || $amount <= -2) return "x";
* Prints human-readable information about a variable.
* It behaves like the print_r command, but the output is enclosed in pre tags,
* to have a preformatted HTML output.
* @param mixed The expression to be printed
function dprint_r ($expression) {
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
* Generates a GUID, or more precisely an UUID
* @link Wikipedia, Universally Unique Identifier.
* A UUID is a 36 chars string of 32 hexadecimal and 4 dashes, with a
* very high probability to be unique.
* @return string the UUID
function new_guid() {
$characters = explode(",","a,b,c,d,e,f,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9");
$guid = "";
for ($i = 0 ; $i < 36 ; $i++) {
if ($i == 8 || $i == 13 || $i == 18 || $i == 23) {
$guid .= "-";
} else {
$guid .= $characters[mt_rand() % sizeof($characters)];
return $guid;
* Determines if the expression is a valid UUID (a guid without {}).
* @see new_guid
* @param string $expression the expression to chjeck
* @return boolean true if the specified expression is a valid UUID ; otherwise, false.
function is_guid ($expression) {
//We avoid regexp to speed up the check
//A guid is a 36 characters string
if (strlen($expression) != 36) return false;
$expression = strtolower($expression);
for ($i = 0 ; $i < 36 ; $i++) {
if ($i == 8 || $i == 13 || $i == 18 || $i == 23) {
//with dashes
if ($expression[$i] != "-") return false;
} else {
//and numbers
if (!is_numeric($expression[$i]) && $expression[$i] != 'a' && $expression[$i] != 'b' && $expression[$i] != 'c' && $expression[$i] != 'd' && $expression[$i] != 'e' && $expression[$i] != 'f' ) return false;
return true;
* Gets file extension
* @param string $file the file to get the extension
* @return string the extension froùm the specified tfile
function get_extension ($file) {
$dotPosition = strrpos($file, ".");
return substr($file, $dotPosition + 1);
* Determines if a string starts with specified substring
* @param string $haystack the string to check
* @param string $needle the substring to determines if it's the start
* @param boolean $case_sensitive determines if the search must be case sensitive
* @return boolean true if $haystack starts with $needle ; otherwise, false.
function string_starts_with ($haystack, $needle, $case_sensitive = true) {
if (!$case_sensitive) {
$haystack = strtoupper($haystack);
$needle = strtoupper($needle);
if ($haystack == $needle) return true;
return strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0;
* Inserts a message into the supralog
* @param string $category the entry category
* @param string $message the message to log
* @param string $source the entry source.
function supralog ($category, $message, $source = null) {
global $db, $CurrentUser, $CurrentPerso;
$category = $db->sql_query_express($category);
$message = $db->sql_query_express($message);
$source = $db->sql_query_express($source ? $source : $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']);
" (entry_ip, user_id, perso_id, entry_category, entry_message, entry_source) VALUES
('$ip', $CurrentUser->id, $CurrentPerso->id, '$category', '$message', '$source')";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(SQL_ERROR, "Can't log this entry.", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
/// ///
/// Localization (l10n) ///
/// ///
* Defines the LANG constant, to lang to print
* This information is contained in the session, or if not yet defined,
* it's to determine according the user's browser preferences.
* @see find_lang
function initialize_lang () {
//If $_SESSION['lang'] doesn't exist yet, find a common language
if (!array_key_exists('lang', $_SESSION)) {
$lang = find_lang();
$_SESSION['lang'] = $lang ? $lang : '-';
if ($_SESSION['lang'] != '-')
define('LANG', $_SESSION['lang']);
* Gets a common lang spoken by the site and the user's browser
* @see get_http_accept_languages
* @return string the language
function find_lang () {
if (file_exists('lang') && is_dir('lang')) {
//Gets lang/ subdirectories: this is the list of available languages
$handle = opendir('lang');
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_dir("lang/$file")) {
$langs[] = $file;
//The array $langs contains now the language available.
//Gets the langs the user should want:
if (!$userlangs = get_http_accept_languages())
//Gets the intersection between the both languages arrays
//If it matches, returns first result
$intersect = array_intersect($userlangs, $langs);
if (count($intersect)) {
return $intersect[0];
//Now it's okay with Opera and Firefox but Internet Explorer will
//by default return en-US and not en or fr-BE and not fr, so second pass
foreach ($userlangs as $userlang) {
$lang = explode('-', $userlang);
if (count($lang) > 1)
$userlangs2[] = $lang[0];
$intersect = array_intersect($userlangs2, $langs);
if (count($intersect)) {
return $intersect[0];
* Gets the languages accepted by the browser, by order of priority.
* This will read the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE variable sent by the browser in the
* HTTP request.
* @return Array an array of string, each item a language accepted by browser
function get_http_accept_languages () {
//What language to print is sent by browser in HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE var.
//This will be something like en,fr;q=0.8,fr-fr;q=0.5,en-us;q=0.3
if (!array_key_exists('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', $_SERVER)) {
return null;
$http_accept_language = explode(',', $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]);
foreach ($http_accept_language as $language) {
$userlang = explode(';q=', $language);
if (count($userlang) == 1) {
$userlangs[] = array(1, $language);
} else {
$userlangs[] = array($userlang[1], $userlang[0]);
foreach ($userlangs as $userlang) {
$result[] = $userlang[1];
return $result;
* Loads specified language Smarty configuration file
* @param string $file the file to load
* @param mixed $sections array of section names, single section or null
function lang_load ($file, $sections = null) {
global $smarty;
//Loads English file as fallback if some parameters are missing
if (file_exists("lang/en/$file"))
$smarty->configLoad("lang/en/$file", $sections);
//Loads wanted file (if it exists and a language have been defined)
if (defined('LANG') && LANG != 'en' && file_exists('lang/' . LANG . '/' . $file))
$smarty->configLoad('lang/' . LANG . '/' . $file, $sections);
* Gets a specified language expression defined in configuration file
* @param string $key the configuration key matching the value to get
* @return string The value in the configuration file
function lang_get ($key) {
global $smarty;
$smartyConfValue = $smarty->config_vars[$key];
return $smartyConfValue ? $smartyConfValue : "#$key#";
/// ///
/// Zed date and time helper methods ///
/// ///
* Converts a YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD timestamp to unixtime
* @link Unix time
* @param string $timestamp the timestamp to convert
* @return inteeger the unixtime
function to_unixtime ($timestamp) {
switch (strlen($timestamp)) {
case 8:
return mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($timestamp, 4, 2), substr($timestamp, 6, 2), substr($timestamp, 0, 4));
case 10:
return mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($timestamp, 5, 2), substr($timestamp, 8, 2), substr($timestamp, 0, 4));
throw new Exception("timestamp is not a valid YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD timestamp: $timestamp");
* Converts a unixtime to the YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD timestamp format
* @see to_unixtime
* @param int $unixtime the time to convert
* @param int $format 8 or 10. If 8 (default), will output YYYYMMDD. If 10, YYYY-MM-DD.
* @return string the timestamp
function to_timestamp ($unixtime = null, $format = 8) {
//If no parameter is specified (or null, or false), current time is used
//==== allows to_timestamp(0) to return correct 1970-1-1 value.
if ($unixtime === null || $unixtime === false) $unixtime = time();
switch ($format) {
case 8:
return date('Ymd', $unixtime);
case 10:
return date('Y-m-d', $unixtime);
throw new Exception("format must be 8 (YYYYMMDD) or 10 (YYYY-MM-DD) and not $format.");
* Converts a unixtime to the Hypership time format or gets the current hypership time.
* @link
* @link
* @param int $unixtime The unixtime to convert to HyperShip time. If omitted, the current unixtime.
* @return string The HyperShip time
function get_hypership_time ($unixtime = null) {
//If unixtime is not specified, it's now
if ($unixtime === null) $unixtime = time();
//Hypership time is a count of days since launch @ 2010-07-03 00:00:00
//Followed by a fraction of the current day /1000, like the internet time
//but in UTC timezone and not Switzerland CET/CEST.
//We don't need to use floor(), as we output the result at int, truncating
//automatically decimal values instead of round it (like in C).
$seconds = $unixtime - 1278115200;
$days = $seconds / 86400;
$fraction = (abs($seconds) % 86400) / 86.4;
return sprintf("%d.%03d", $days, $fraction);
/// ///
/// URL helpers functions ///
/// ///
* Gets the URL matching the specified resource.
* Example:
* <code>
* $url = get_url('ship', $ship);
* echo $url; //if $ship contains S00001, this should print /ship/S00001
* </code>
* @param string $resource,... the resources
* @return string the URL matching the specified resource
function get_url () {
global $Config;
if (func_num_args() > 0) {
$pieces = func_get_args();
return $Config['BaseURL'] . '/' . implode('/', $pieces);
} elseif ($Config['BaseURL'] == "" || $Config['BaseURL'] == $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) {
return "/";
} else {
return $Config['BaseURL'];
* Gets the current page URL
* @return string the current page URL
function get_page_url () {
if (substr($url, -10) == $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) {
return substr($url, 0, -9);
return $url;
* Gets the server URL
* @todo find a way to detect https:// on non standard port
* @return string the server URL
function get_server_url () {
switch ($port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) {
case '80':
return "http://$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]";
case '443':
return "https://$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]";
* Gets $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] or computes the equivalent if not defined.
* This function allows the entry point controllers to get the current URL
* in a consistent way, for any redirection configuration
* So with /foo/bar, /index.php/foo/bar, /zed/index.php/foo/bar or /zed/foo/bar
* get_current_url will return /foo/bar
* @return string the relevant URL part
function get_current_url () {
global $Config;
//Gets relevant URL part from relevant $_SERVER variables
if (array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $_SERVER)) {
//Without mod_rewrite, and url like /index.php/controller
//we use PATH_INFO. It's the easiest case.
return $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"];
//In other cases, we'll need to get the relevant part of the URL
$current_url = get_server_url() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
//Relevant URL part starts after the site URL
$len = strlen($Config['SiteURL']);
//We need to assert it's the correct site
if (substr($current_url, 0, $len) != $Config['SiteURL']) {
dieprint_r(GENERAL_ERROR, "Edit includes/config.php and specify the correct site URL<br /><strong>Current value:</strong> $Config[SiteURL]<br /><strong>Expected value:</strong> a string starting by " . get_server_url(), "Setup");
if (array_key_exists('REDIRECT_URL', $_SERVER)) {
//With mod_rewrite, we can use REDIRECT_URL
//We takes the end of the URL, ie *FROM* $len position
return substr(get_server_url() . $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"], $len);
//Last possibility: use REQUEST_URI, but remove QUERY_STRING
//If you need to edit here, use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
//but you need to discard $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
//We takes the end of the URL, ie *FROM* $len position
$url = substr(get_server_url() . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $len);
//But if there are a query string (?action=... we need to discard it)
return substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) - 1);
return $url;
* Gets an array of url fragments to be processed by controller
* @see get_current_url
* This method is used by the controllers entry points to know the URL and
* call relevant subcontrollers.
* @return Array an array of string, one for each URL fragment
function get_current_url_fragments () {
$url_source = get_current_url();
if ($url_source == $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) return array();
return explode('/', substr($url_source, 1));
/// ///
/// URL xmlHttpRequest helpers functions ///
/// ///
* Gets an hash value to check the integrity of URLs in /do.php calls
* @param Array $args the args to compute the hash
* @return the hash paramater for your xmlHttpRequest url
function get_xhr_hash ($args) {
global $Config;
return md5($_SESSION['ID'] . $Config['SecretKey'] . implode('', $args));
* Gets the URL to call do.php, the xmlHttpRequest controller
* @return string the xmlHttpRequest url, with an integrity hash
function get_xhr_hashed_url () {
global $Config;
$args = func_get_args();
$args[] = get_xhr_hash($args);
return $Config['DoURL'] . '/' . implode('/', $args);
* Gets the URL to call do.php, the xmlHttpRequest controller
* @return string the xmlHttpRequest url
function get_xhr_url () {
global $Config;
$args = func_get_args();
return $Config['DoURL'] . '/' .implode('/', $args);

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Sat, Feb 22, 20:25 (1 d, 17 h ago)
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core.php (22 KB)

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