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No OneTemporary

diff --git a/lang/en/core.conf b/lang/en/core.conf
index 80f5811..07c4db1 100644
--- a/lang/en/core.conf
+++ b/lang/en/core.conf
@@ -1,136 +1,138 @@
#Zed language config file
#Language: English
#Code: en
#Author: Dereckson
### Site configuration
SiteTitle = Zed
Product = "<strong>Zed 0.1</strong>, alpha technical preview"
### General stuff
_t = ":"
### Login
Login = Login
Password = Password
LoginNotFound = Login not found.
IncorrectPassword = Incorrect password.
JaMata = Ja mata!
WelcomeBack = Welcome back.
OpenID = OpenID
Logout = Logout
### Errors
UnauthorizedAccess = "Unauthorized access"
SQLError = "SQL Error"
line = line
Error = Error
BackToHome = "Back to homepage"
FatalErrorScreen = Fatal error screen
FatalErrorInterrupt = Fatal error breaking screen
GeneralError = General error
PageNotFound = "Page not found"
### Homepage
Welcome = Welcome
WelcomeText = "<p>Welcome to the Zed alpha technical preview. Zed, it's a mix between a gallery, a place to meet new and existing friends, with some RPG inspiration.<br />
The concept is to have each information stored at physical places in a virtual world, like the 80s cyberspace vision. Another goal is to build a community sharing values like cooperation, freedom, ethic.</p>"
### Homepage - messages
#messages.tpl, Reply
Reply = Reply
#messages.tpl, the X link title
DeleteThisMessage = Delete this message
#home.php, messages error
MessageDeleted = Message deleted.
NotYourMessage = This message is not one of yours.
MessageAlreadyDeleted = Message already deleted.
### Perso create/select
NewCharacterCreated = New character created
CreateCharacter = Create a character
EditCharacter = Edit %s information
NoSexSpecified = "Pick a sex, or '<em>Neutral</em>' if you don't want to tell it."
NoNicknameSpecified = "You must pick a nickname, it's like your login to identify your character."
NoFullnameSpecified = "All beings must have a name."
NoRaceSpecified = "You've to specify a race: '<em>humanoid</em>' for human and co.<br />If you don't want to specify a race, use the generic '<em>being</em>'."
NicknameUnavailable = "This nickname is already used.<br />Choose a more original one."
PickPerso = Pick your perso
SwapPerso = "Swap perso (%s's logout)"
NewLocationNotify = "You're slowly awaking in a place you don't recognize."
### Places
CurrentLocation = "Current location"
UnknownBody = "Unknown asteroid"
UnknownPlace = "Unknown place"
WherePlace = "%s @ %s"
SpaceAround = "Space around %s"
hypership = hypership
asteroid = asteroid
moon = moon
planet = planet
star = star
orbital = orbital
+place = place
+ship = ship
### Stories
InvalidStoryGUID = "In story mode, you can't use previous/back URL."
ExpiredStorySession = "Story choices URL are temporary.<br />You can't bookmark them or use in another session."
### Requests
Title = Title
### MOTD
PushMessage = Push a message to the header
TextToAdd = Text to add
TextToAddWarning = Warning: once published, it can't be (easily) removed.
Rendering = How it will be printed?
RenderingWhere = "At the top right header corner:"
DummyPlaceholder = Here your message.
Push = Push
Published = Published :)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/fr/core.conf b/lang/fr/core.conf
index b8839ed..8412203 100644
--- a/lang/fr/core.conf
+++ b/lang/fr/core.conf
@@ -1,137 +1,139 @@
#Zed language config file
#Language: English
#Code: fr
#Author: Dereckson
### Site configuration
SiteTitle = Zed
Product = "<strong>Zed 0.1</strong>, alpha technical preview"
### General stuff
_t = " :"
### Login
Login = Login
Password = Password
LoginNotFound = Login introuvable.
IncorrectPassword = Mot de passe incorrect.
JaMata = Ja mata!
WelcomeBack = Welcome back.
OpenID = OpenID
Logout = Déconnexion
### Homepage
Welcome = Bienvenue
WelcomeText = "<p>Bienvenue sur la version alpha de Zed, un hybride un peu étrange entre une galerie, un endroit où rencontrer ses amis ou s'en faire de nouveaux, avec une légère inspiration RPG, dans un environnement galactique inspiré des romans de la Culture de Iain M. Banks.</p>
<p>Le concept est d'expérimenter ce qui se passe lorsque chaque information est dans un espace précis, un peu comme la vision cyberpunk des années 80 du cyberespace. Un autre but est de créer une communauté partagant des valeurs de respect, de coopération, de liberté et d'éthique.</p>"
### Homepage - Messages
#messages.tpl, Reply
Reply = Répondre
#messages.tpl, the X link title
DeleteThisMessage = Effacer ce message
#home.php, messages error
MessageDeleted = Message effacé.
NotYourMessage = Hey, ce message appartient à autrui !
MessageAlreadyDeleted = Message déjà effacé
### Errors
UnauthorizedAccess = "Accès non autorisé"
SQLError = "Erreur dans la requête SQL"
line = ligne
Error = Erreur
BackToHome = "Retour à la page d'accueil"
FatalErrorScreen = Fatal error screen
FatalErrorInterrupt = Fatal error screen (interruption)
GeneralError = "Erreur"
PageNotFound = "Cette page n'existe pas."
### Perso create/select
NewCharacterCreated = Nouveau perso créé.
CreateCharacter = Nouveau perso
EditCharacter = Éditer les infos de %s
NoSexSpecified = "Pick a sex, or '<em>Neutral</em>' if you don't want to tell it."
NoNicknameSpecified = "You must pick a nickname, it's like your login to identify your character."
NoFullnameSpecified = "All beings must have a name."
NoRaceSpecified = "You've to specify a race: '<em>humanoid</em>' for human and co.<br />If you don't want to specify a race, use the generic '<em>being</em>'."
NicknameUnavailable = "This nickname is already used.<br />Choose a more original one."
PickPerso = "Sélectionnez votre perso"
SwapPerso = "Changer de perso (déco %s)"
NewLocationNotify = "Vous vous réveillez lentement dans un endroit inconnu"
### Places
CurrentLocation = "Localisateur"
UnknownBody = "Astéroïde inconnu"
UnknownPlace = "Endroit inconnu"
WherePlace = "%2$s, %1$s."
SpaceAround = "%s et l'espace autour"
hypership = hypership
asteroid = astéroïde
moon = lune
planet = planète
star = étoile
orbital = orbitale
+place = endroit
+ship = vaisseau
### Stories
InvalidStoryGUID = "En mode récit, il n'est pas possible <br />d'utiliser les boutons précédents et suivants."
ExpiredStorySession = "Les URL de choix sont temporaires.<br />Il n'est pas possible de les bookmark pour y revenir."
### Requests
Title = Titre
### MOTD
PushMessage = Publier un message tout en haut
TextToAdd = Texte à ajouter
TextToAddWarning = "Une fois publié, ne peut être facilement enlevé."
Rendering = Aperçu
RenderingWhere = "Coin supérieur droit de la page :"
DummyPlaceholder = Lorem ipsum dolor.
Push = Publier
Published = Publié :)
\ No newline at end of file

File Metadata

Mime Type
Nov 23 2024, 08:37 (9 w, 3 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(7 KB)

Event Timeline