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No OneTemporary

* Module for displaying images uploaded by the user
* Copyright Gottfried Haider, Danja Vasiliev 2010.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
* See the file COPYING for more details.
// module glue gets loaded on demand
* return if GD image functions are available
* @return bool
function _gd_available()
return function_exists('gd_info');
* return the width and height of an image file
* @param string $f filename
* @return array with width and height in pixels
function _gd_get_imagesize($f)
$ret = @getimagesize($f);
if ($ret === false) {
return array(0, 0);
} else {
return array($ret[0], $ret[1]);
* implements alter_render_early
* see image_render_object()
function image_alter_render_early($args)
$elem = &$args['elem'];
$obj = $args['obj'];
if (!elem_has_class($elem, 'image')) {
return false;
// try to calculate original-{width,height} if not already set
if (!empty($obj['image-file']) && (empty($obj['image-file-width']) || intval($obj['image-file-width']) == 0)) {
if (_gd_available()) {
$a = expl('.', $obj['name']);
$fn = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$a[0].'/shared/'.$obj['image-file'];
// resolve symlinks
if (@is_link($fn)) {
$target = @readlink($fn);
if (substr($target, 0, 1) == '/') {
$fn = $target;
} else {
$fn = dirname($fn).'/'.$target;
$size = _gd_get_imagesize($fn);
$obj['image-file-width'] = $size[0];
// update regular with as well if not set
if (empty($obj['object-width']) || intval($obj['object-width']) == 0) {
$obj['object-width'] = $size[0].'px';
$obj['image-file-height'] = $size[1];
if (empty($obj['object-height']) || intval($obj['object-height']) == 0) {
$obj['object-height'] = $size[1].'px';
// setup url
// note: the url points to the object name, not the
// filename in the shared directory (the file eventually gets served
// in image_serve_resource())
// TODO (later): support URLs as well
$url = base_url().urlencode($obj['name']);
} else {
$url = base_url().'?'.urlencode($obj['name']);
// render a div with background if we have original-{width,height}
// otherwise a div with an img inside
if (empty($obj['image-file-width']) || intval($obj['image-file-width']) == 0) {
// render a div with an img inside
$i = elem('img');
elem_attr($i, 'src', $url);
if (!empty($obj['image-title'])) {
elem_attr($i, 'alt', $obj['image-title']);
} else {
elem_attr($i, 'alt', '');
// make sure you only append to the element in alter_render_early
// handlers, don't assume that nothing is in there yet
elem_append($elem, $i);
} else {
if (!$args['edit'] && IE8_COMPAT && (empty($obj['image-background-repeat']) || $obj['image-background-repeat'] == 'no-repeat')) {
// background-size is not supported by IE8, so render a div with an img inside instead
$i = elem('img');
elem_attr($i, 'src', $url);
if (!empty($obj['image-title'])) {
elem_attr($i, 'alt', $obj['image-title']);
} else {
elem_attr($i, 'alt', '');
elem_css($i, 'width', '100%');
elem_css($i, 'height', '100%');
elem_css($i, 'padding', '0px');
elem_css($i, 'border', '0px');
if (!empty($obj['image-background-position']) && $obj['image-background-position'] != '0px 0px' && $obj['image-background-position'] != '0% 0%') {
elem_css($elem, 'max-width', $obj['object-width']);
elem_css($elem, 'max-height', $obj['object-height']);
elem_css($elem, 'overflow', 'hidden');
// assume px
$a = expl(' ', $obj['image-background-position']);
elem_css($i, 'margin-left', @intval($a[0]).'px');
elem_css($i, 'margin-top', @intval($a[1]).'px');
elem_css($i, 'margin-right', '0px');
elem_css($i, 'margin-bottom', '0px');
} else {
elem_css($i, 'margin', '0px');
elem_append($elem, $i);
} else {
// this is the regular case
// render a div with background
elem_css($elem, 'background-image', 'url('.$url.')');
// default to no tiling
if (empty($obj['image-background-repeat']) || $obj['image-background-repeat'] == 'no-repeat') {
elem_css($elem, 'background-repeat', 'no-repeat');
// set hardcoded background-size as well
elem_css($elem, 'background-size', '100% 100%');
// this is for Firefox 3.6
elem_css($elem, '-moz-background-size', '100% 100%');
} else {
elem_css($elem, 'background-repeat', $obj['image-background-repeat']);
if (!empty($obj['image-background-position'])) {
elem_css($elem, 'background-position', $obj['image-background-position']);
// additional properties for both
if (!empty($obj['image-title'])) {
elem_attr($elem, 'title', $obj['image-title']);
return true;
* implements alter_save
* see image_save_state()
function image_alter_save($args)
$elem = $args['elem'];
// make sure that obj is a reference to the other object here
$obj = &$args['obj'];
// only handle the element when we are one of its classes
// notice the difference to image_save_state()?
if (!elem_has_class($elem, 'image')) {
return false;
// update the object based on the element's properties
if (elem_css($elem, 'background-repeat') !== NULL) {
$val = elem_css($elem, 'background-repeat');
// normalize
if ($val == 'no-repeat no-repeat') {
$val = 'no-repeat';
$obj['image-background-repeat'] = $val;
} else {
if (elem_css($elem, 'background-position') !== NULL) {
$obj['image-background-position'] = elem_css($elem, 'background-position');
} else {
// this is more out of courtesy than anything else
return true;
* implements delete_object
function image_delete_object($args)
$obj = $args['obj'];
if (!isset($obj['type']) || $obj['type'] != 'image') {
return false;
// we don't have to care about symlinks here as this hook is not called
// for those
// delete original file
if (!empty($obj['image-file'])) {
$a = expl('.', $obj['name']);
delete_upload(array('pagename'=>$a[0], 'file'=>$obj['image-file'], 'max_cnt'=>1));
// and resized one
if (!empty($obj['image-resized-file'])) {
$a = expl('.', $obj['name']);
delete_upload(array('pagename'=>$a[0], 'file'=>$obj['image-resized-file'], 'max_cnt'=>1));
* implements has_reference
function image_has_reference($args)
$obj = $args['obj'];
if (!isset($obj['type']) || $obj['type'] != 'image') {
return false;
// symlinks have their referenced files in a different page that's why
// they are not relevant here
if (@is_link(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $obj['name']))) {
return false;
if (!empty($obj['image-file']) && $obj['image-file'] == $args['file']) {
return true;
if (!empty($obj['image-resized-file']) && $obj['image-resized-file'] == $args['file']) {
return true;
return false;
* implements render_object
function image_render_object($args)
$obj = $args['obj'];
if (!isset($obj['type']) || $obj['type'] != 'image') {
return false;
// the outer element must be a div or something else that can contain
// other elements
$e = elem('div');
elem_attr($e, 'id', $obj['name']);
elem_add_class($e, 'image');
elem_add_class($e, 'resizable');
elem_add_class($e, 'object');
// hook
// elem is passed as reference here
invoke_hook_first('alter_render_early', 'image', array('obj'=>$obj, 'elem'=>&$e, 'edit'=>$args['edit']));
$html = elem_finalize($e);
// html is passed as reference here
invoke_hook_last('alter_render_late', 'image', array('obj'=>$obj, 'html'=>&$html, 'elem'=>$e, 'edit'=>$args['edit']));
return $html;
register_hook('alter_render_early', 'invoked early in the object rendering process (possible to change array representation)');
register_hook('alter_render_late', 'invoked late in the object rendering process (possible to change html string)');
* implements render_page_early
function image_render_page_early($args)
if ($args['edit']) {
if (!_gd_available()) {
html_add_js_var('$.glue.conf.image.resizing', false);
log_msg('debug', 'image: disabling image resizing as gd is not available');
} else {
html_add_js_var('$.glue.conf.image.resizing', IMAGE_RESIZING);
html_add_js_var('$.glue.conf.image.upload_resize_larger', IMAGE_UPLOAD_RESIZE_LARGER);
html_add_js_var('$.glue.conf.image.upload_resize_to', IMAGE_UPLOAD_RESIZE_TO);
* resize an image object
* this function drops the reference to any currently resized version,
* saves the resized image together with the original image in the page's
* shared folder and updates the object file to use the resized version.
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'name' name of the objects
* key 'width' width in px
* key 'height' height in px
* @return array response
* true if the client is advised to reload the image, false if not
function image_resize($args)
// check for gd
if (!_gd_available()) {
return response('Host does not have gd', 500);
// set requested width & height
if (($width = @intval($args['width'])) == 0) {
return response('Required argument "width" is zero or does not exist', 400);
if (($height = @intval($args['height'])) == 0) {
return response('Required argument "height" is zero or does not exist', 400);
// resolve symlinks
$ret = object_get_symlink($args);
if ($ret['#error']) {
return $ret;
} elseif ($ret['#data'] !== false) {
log_msg('debug', 'image_resize: resolved object '.quot($args['name']).' into '.quot($ret['#data']));
$args['name'] = $ret['#data'];
// load object
$obj = load_object($args);
if ($obj['#error']) {
return $obj;
} else {
$obj = $obj['#data'];
if (@intval($obj['image-file-width']) == 0 || @intval($obj['image-file-height']) == 0) {
return response('Original dimensions are not available', 500);
// set pagename
$pn = array_shift(expl('.', $obj['name']));
// resizing might not be necessary at all
if (!empty($obj['image-resized-file']) && @intval($obj['image-resized-width']) == $width && @intval($obj['image-resized-height'] == $height)) {
log_msg('debug', 'image_resize: width and height match the current resized file, no resize necessary');
return response(false);
// else remove any currently resized file
if (!empty($obj['image-resized-file'])) {
log_msg('info', 'image_resize: dropping reference to previous resized file '.quot($obj['image-resized-file']));
delete_upload(array('pagename'=>$pn, 'file'=>$obj['image-resized-file'], 'max_cnt'=>1));
// update object file as well
$ret = object_remove_attr(array('name'=>$obj['name'], 'attr'=>array('image-resized-file', 'image-resized-width', 'image-resized-height')));
if ($ret['#error']) {
return $ret;
$was_resized = true;
} else {
$was_resized = false;
// check if width or height are larger than the original
if (@intval($obj['image-file-width']) <= $width || @intval($obj['image-file-height']) <= $height) {
log_msg('debug', 'image_resize: dimensions requested are larger or equal than the original file is, no resize necessary');
// the client need not reload the the image if we were using the
// original before
if (!$was_resized) {
return response(false);
} else {
return response(true);
// check if we really have a source image
if (empty($obj['image-file-mime']) && empty($obj['image-file'])) {
return response(false);
// TODO (later): make this a generic function
// load source file
$ext = filext($obj['image-file']);
$fn = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$pn.'/shared/'.$obj['image-file'];
if ($obj['image-file-mime'] == 'image/jpeg' || in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'jpeg'))) {
$orig = @imagecreatefromjpeg($fn);
$dest_ext = 'jpg';
} elseif ($obj['image-file-mime'] == 'image/png' || $ext == 'png') {
$orig = @imagecreatefrompng($fn);
$dest_ext = 'png';
} elseif ($obj['image-file-mime'] == 'image/gif' || $ext == 'gif') {
$orig = @imagecreatefromgif($fn);
// save gifs as png
$dest_ext = 'png';
} else {
return response('Unsupported source file format '.quot($obj['image-file']), 500);
if ($orig === false) {
return response('Error loading source file '.quot($obj['image-file']), 500);
// get source file dimensions
$orig_size = @getimagesize($fn);
// create resized image
if (($resized = @imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height)) === false) {
return response('Error creating the resized image', 500);
// try to resize
if (!@imagecopyresampled($resized, $orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $orig_size[0], $orig_size[1])) {
return response('Error resizing the source image', 500);
// setup destination filename
$a = expl('.', $obj['image-file']);
if (1 < count($a)) {
// throw the previous extension away
$fn = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$pn.'/shared/'.implode('.', array_slice($a, 0, -1)).'-'.$width.'x'.$height.'.'.$dest_ext;
} else {
$fn = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$pn.'/shared/'.$a[0].'-'.$width.'x'.$height.'.'.$dest_ext;
$m = umask(0111);
if ($dest_ext == 'jpg') {
$ret = @imagejpeg($resized, $fn, IMAGE_JPEG_QUAL);
} else if ($dest_ext == 'png') {
$ret = @imagepng($resized, $fn, IMAGE_PNG_QUAL);
// destroy images again
if (!$ret) {
return response('Error saving the resized image', 500);
} else {
log_msg('info', 'image_resize: created a resized image of '.quot($obj['name']).' -> '.quot(basename($fn)));
// the code above can take a while, so read in the object anew via
// update_object()
$update = array();
$update['name'] = $obj['name'];
$update['image-resized-file'] = basename($fn);
$update['image-resized-width'] = $width;
$update['image-resized-height'] = $height;
// we change width and height here as well since we are racing with the
// save_object from the frontend after resize
$update['object-width'] = $width.'px';
$update['object-height'] = $height.'px';
return update_object($update);
register_service('image.resize', 'image_resize', array('auth'=>true));
* implements save_state
function image_save_state($args)
$elem = $args['elem'];
$obj = $args['obj'];
// only take responsibility for the element when we are its main class
if (array_shift(elem_classes($elem)) != 'image') {
return false;
// make sure the type is set
$obj['type'] = 'image';
$obj['module'] = 'image';
// by convention the main retrieving of the elements properties takes
// place in alter_state
// this way other objects types may "derive" from this one
// it also allows other modules to chime in
// notice: obj is passed as reference here
// obj might be (almost) empty for newly created objects, so rely only
// on $elem
invoke_hook('alter_save', array('obj'=>&$obj, 'elem'=>$elem));
// see image_alter_save() above
// we could do some overriding here if we wanted to
// finally save the object
$ret = save_object($obj);
if ($ret['#error']) {
log_msg('error', 'image_save_state: save_object returned '.quot($ret['#data']));
return false;
} else {
return true;
register_hook('alter_save', 'invoked in the object saving process (possible to augment the object to be saved)');
* implements serve_resource
function image_serve_resource($args)
$obj = $args['obj'];
if (!isset($obj['type']) || $obj['type'] != 'image') {
return false;
// we don't have to care about symlinks here as they are being resolved
// before this hook is called
$pn = array_shift(expl('.', $obj['name']));
if (!empty($obj['image-resized-file']) && !$args['dl']) {
// we have a resized file and don't want to download the original
$fn = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$pn.'/shared/'.$obj['image-resized-file'];
$ext = filext($fn);
if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
serve_file($fn, false, 'image/jpeg');
} else if ($ext == 'png') {
serve_file($fn, false, 'image/png');
} else {
log_msg('warn', 'image_serve_resource: unsupported image-resized-file '.quot($fn));
// if we're still alive it means that the resized file has not been
// found
log_msg('warn', 'image_serve_resource: could not serve image-resized-file '.quot($fn).', falling back to original');
$need_auth = false;
} elseif (empty($obj['image-resized-file'])) {
// we don't have a resized file
$need_auth = false;
} else {
// we really want to download the original
$need_auth = true;
if (!empty($obj['image-file'])) {
// we have the original file
if ($need_auth && !is_auth()) {
// require authentication
if (empty($obj['image-file-mime'])) {
$obj['image-file-mime'] = '';
serve_file(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$pn.'/shared/'.$obj['image-file'], $args['dl'], $obj['image-file-mime']);
// if everything fails
return false;
* implements snapshot_symlink
* see snapshot() in
function image_snapshot_symlink($args)
$obj = $args['obj'];
if (!isset($obj['type']) || $obj['type'] != 'image') {
return false;
// consider the following:
// * an image object is on page a, which at some point got distributed to all
// other pages through symlinks
// * we are now creating a snapshot of any page b, come across the symlink
// pointing to an object and page a
// in this case we don't copy the symlink but the current content of the
// object, as we by all means want to preserve the current _state_ we copy
// the symlink's content (this happens in snapshot() in
// - thus turning it into a first-class object on the new snapshot-page
// because of this we need to copy any referenced files as well from the
// shared directory in page a to the one on page b, this happens in this
// hook
$dest_dir = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.array_shift(expl('.', $obj['name'])).'/shared';
$src_dir = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.array_shift(expl('.', $args['origin'])).'/shared';
// we do this for image-file and image-resized-file
// .. to add a bit of complexity ;)
foreach (array('image-file', 'image-resized-file') as $field) {
if (empty($obj[$field])) {
} else {
$src_file = $src_dir.'/'.$obj[$field];
if (($f = dir_has_same_file($dest_dir, $src_file)) !== false) {
$obj[$field] = $f;
} else {
// copy file
$dest_file = $dest_dir.'/'.unique_filename($dest_dir, $src_file);
$m = umask(0111);
if (!(@copy($src_file, $dest_file))) {
log_msg('error', 'image_snapshot_symlink: error copying referenced file '.quot($src_file).' to '.quot($dest_file));
return false;
$obj[$field] = basename($dest_file);
log_msg('info', 'image_snapshot_symlink: copied referenced file to '.quot($dest_file));
// save changes in the object
$ret = save_object($obj);
if ($ret['#error']) {
log_msg('error', 'image_snapshot_symlink: error saving object '.quot($obj['name']));
return false;
} else {
return true;
* implements upload
function image_upload($args)
// check if supported file
if (!in_array($args['mime'], array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif')) || ($args['mime'] == '' && !in_array(filext($args['file']), array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif')))) {
return false;
// create new object
$obj = create_object($args);
if ($obj['#error']) {
return false;
} else {
$obj = $obj['#data'];
$obj['type'] = 'image';
// this is for a potential future speedup
$obj['module'] = 'image';
$obj['image-file'] = $args['file'];
$obj['image-file-mime'] = $args['mime'];
// save original-{width,height} if we can calculate it
if (_gd_available()) {
$a = expl('.', $args['page']);
$size = _gd_get_imagesize(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$a[0].'/shared/'.$obj['image-file']);
$obj['image-file-width'] = $size[0];
$obj['object-width'] = $size[0].'px';
$obj['image-file-height'] = $size[1];
$obj['object-height'] = $size[1].'px';
// render object and return html
$ret = render_object(array('name'=>$obj['name'], 'edit'=>true));
if ($ret['#error']) {
return false;
} else {
return $ret['#data'];

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Feb 22, 15:27 (7 h, 22 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (20 KB)

Event Timeline