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* modules/image/image-edit.js
* Frontend code for image objects
* Copyright Gottfried Haider, Danja Vasiliev 2010.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
* See the file COPYING for more details.
$.glue.image = function() {
var preload_obj = false;
var preload_timer = false;
return {
autoresize: function(obj) {
var larger = $.glue.conf.image.upload_resize_larger;
var to = $.glue.conf.image.upload_resize_to;
if (larger == '0%' && to == '0%') {
var w = $(obj).width();
var h = $(obj).height();
var win_w = $(window).width();
var win_h = $(window).height();
var larger_f = parseFloat(larger);
var to_f = parseFloat(to);
if (isNaN(larger_f) || isNaN(to_f)) {
var do_resize = false;
var target_w = w;
var target_h = h;
if (win_w*larger_f/100 < w) {
target_w = win_w*to_f/100;
target_h = target_w*h/w;
do_resize = true;
if (win_h*larger_f/100 < h) {
// this is here because target_h could also have been
// already been changed by the lines above
if (win_h*to_f/100 < target_h) {
target_h = win_h*to_f/100;
target_w = target_h*w/h;
do_resize = true;
if (do_resize) {
//console.log('window is '+$(window).width()+' and '+$(window).height());
//console.log('resizing to '+target_w+' and '+target_h);
// setup element
$(obj).css('width', target_w+'px');
$(obj).css('height', target_h+'px');
//console.log('moving from '+$(obj).position().left+' and '+$(obj).position().top);
//console.log('to '+($(obj).position().left+(w-target_w)/2)+' and '+($(obj).position().top+(h-target_h)/2));
$(obj).css('left', ($(obj).position().left+(w-target_w)/2)+'px');
$(obj).css('top', ($(obj).position().top+(h-target_h)/2)+'px');
// call resize
resize: function(obj) {
if (!$.glue.conf.image.resizing || $(obj).css('background-repeat') != 'no-repeat') {
var width = $(obj).width();
var height = $(obj).height();
$.glue.backend({ method: 'image.resize', name: $(obj).attr('id'), 'width': width, 'height': height }, function(data) {
if (!data) {
console.error('image.resize returned null');
} else if (data['#error']) {
} else if (!data['#data']) {
// no refresh necessary
} else {
// try to preload the file to prevent flicker
//console.log('clearing timeout');
var temp_elem = $(obj).clone();
$(temp_elem).attr('id', '');
$(temp_elem).attr('class', 'glue-object-copy');
// this assumes that the borders are equally spaced..
$(temp_elem).css('left', ($(obj).position().left+($(obj).outerWidth()-width)/2)+'px');
$(temp_elem).css('top', ($(obj).position().top+($(obj).outerHeight()-height)/2)+'px');
// set new url (w & h are only here to prevent caching)
$(temp_elem).css('background-image', 'url('+$.glue.base_url+'?'+$(obj).attr('id')+'&w='+width+'&h='+height+')');
// destroy element on move or resize
$(obj).one('glue-movestart', function() {
// remove any copies still left
$(obj).one('glue-resizestart', function() {
// remove any copies still left
$(obj).one('glue-unregister', function() {
// remove any copies still left
preload_obj = temp_elem;
preload_timer = setTimeout(function() {
//console.log('outer timeout');
$(obj).css('background-image', 'url('+$.glue.base_url+'?'+$(obj).attr('id')+'&w='+width+'&h='+height+')');
var remove = preload_obj;
setTimeout(function() {
//console.log('inner timeout');
}, 500);
preload_obj = false;
}, 500);
}, false);
$('.image').live('glue-resizestop', function(e) {
$('.image').live('glue-upload-dynamic-late', function(e, loaded) {
var img = loaded;
if ($(img).is('img')) {
// we should have the exact dimensions of the image by now
// resize object
$(this).css('width', $(img).width()+'px');
$(this).css('height', $(img).height()+'px');
// update object file
$.glue.backend({ method: 'glue.update_object', name: $(this).attr('id'), 'image-file-width': $(img).width(), 'image-file-height': $(img).height() });
// set the defaults
$(this).css('background-image', 'url('+$(img).attr('src')+')');
$(this).css('background-repeat', 'no-repeat');
$(this).css('background-size', '100% 100%');
$(this).css('-moz-background-size', '100% 100%');
// remove the img
// automatically resize
$('.image').live('glue-upload-static', function(e) {
// this is only getting triggered when the object width and height is set
// immediately after uploading, i.e. when gd is available on the server
$(document).ready(function() {
$.glue.contextmenu.veto('iframe', 'object-link');
// register menu items
var elem = $('<img src="'+$.glue.base_url+'modules/image/image-tile.png" alt="btn" title="toggle image tiling" width="32" height="32">');
$(elem).bind('click', function(e) {
var obj = $(this).data('owner');
if ($(obj).css('background-repeat') != 'no-repeat') {
$(obj).css('background-repeat', 'no-repeat');
$(obj).css('background-size', '100% 100%');
$(obj).css('-moz-background-size', '100% 100%');
} else {
$(obj).css('background-repeat', 'repeat');
// background-size is automatically set with background-repeat
// so no need to remove this attribute in the backend here
$(obj).css('background-size', '');
$(obj).css('-moz-background-size', '');
$.glue.contextmenu.register('image', 'image-tile', elem);
elem = $('<img src="'+$.glue.base_url+'modules/image/image-ratio.png" alt="btn" title="reset image size" width="32" height="32">');
$(elem).bind('click', function(e) {
var obj = $(this).data('owner');
// get original-{width,height} from backend
$.glue.backend({ method: 'glue.load_object', name: $(obj).attr('id') }, function(data) {
if (data['image-file-width'] && data['image-file-height']) {
var aspect = data['image-file-width']/data['image-file-height'];
if (e.shiftKey) {
// shift: only change aspect ratio
// fit height to width
$(obj).css('height', ($(obj).width()*aspect)+'px');
} else if (e.ctrlKey) {
// ctrl: only change aspect ratio
// fit width to heigth
$(obj).css('width', ($(obj).height()/aspect)+'px');
} else {
$(obj).css('width', data['image-file-width']+'px');
$(obj).css('height', data['image-file-height']+'px');
$.glue.contextmenu.register('image', 'image-ratio', elem);
elem = $('<img src="'+$.glue.base_url+'modules/image/image-pos.png" alt="btn" title="adjust image selection" width="32" height="32">');
$(elem).bind('mousedown', function(e) {
var obj = $(this).data('owner');
var a = $(obj).css('background-position').split(' ');
if (a.length != 2) {
var prev_x_pos = 0;
var prev_y_pos = 0;
} else {
// we assume px (or 0%..)
var prev_x_pos = parseInt(a[0]);
if (isNaN(prev_x_pos)) {
prev_x_pos = 0;
var prev_y_pos = parseInt(a[1]);
if (isNaN(prev_y_pos)) {
prev_y_pos = 0;
var no_change = true;
$.glue.slider(e, function(x, y) {
// background-position-{x,y} does not work in Firefox (but seems to be faster)
$(obj).css('background-position', (prev_x_pos+x)+'px '+(prev_y_pos+y)+'px');
if (x != 0 || y != 0) {
no_change = false;
}, function(x, y) {
// reset background position if there was no change at all
if (no_change) {
$(obj).css('background-position', '');
$.glue.backend({ method: 'glue.object_remove_attr', name: $(obj).attr('id'), attr: 'image-background-position' });
} else {
return false;
$.glue.contextmenu.register('image', 'image-pos', elem);
elem = $('<img src="'+$.glue.base_url+'img/download.png" alt="btn" title="download original file" width="32" height="32">');
$(elem).bind('click', function(e) {
var obj = $(this).data('owner');
// initiate download
window.location = $.glue.base_url+'?'+$(obj).attr('id')+'&download=1';
$.glue.contextmenu.register('image', 'image-download', elem);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Feb 22, 20:21 (2 h, 28 m ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
image-edit.js (8 KB)

Event Timeline