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* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block
* Compiles the {block}{/block} tags
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage Compiler
* @author Uwe Tews
* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Class
class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
* Compiles code for the {block} tag
* @param array $args array with attributes from parser
* @param object $compiler compiler object
* @return boolean true
public function compile($args, $compiler)
$this->compiler = $compiler;
$this->required_attributes = array('name');
$this->optional_attributes = array('assign');
// check and get attributes
$_attr = $this->_get_attributes($args);
$save = array($_attr, $compiler->template->extracted_compiled_code, $compiler->template->extract_code);
$this->_open_tag('block', $save);
$compiler->template->extract_code = true;
$compiler->template->extracted_compiled_code = '';
$compiler->template->has_code = false;
return true;
* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile BlockClose Class
class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Blockclose extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
* Compiles code for the {/block} tag
* @param array $args array with attributes from parser
* @param object $compiler compiler object
* @return string compiled code
public function compile($args, $compiler)
$this->compiler = $compiler;
$this->smarty = $compiler->smarty;
$this->compiler->has_code = true;
// turn off block code extraction
$compiler->template->extract_code = false;
// check and get attributes
$this->optional_attributes = array('name');
$_attr = $this->_get_attributes($args);
$saved_data = $this->_close_tag(array('block'));
// if name does match to opening tag
if (isset($_attr['name']) && $saved_data[0]['name'] != $_attr['name']) {
$this->compiler->trigger_template_error('mismatching name attributes "' . $saved_data[0]['name'] . '" and "' . $_attr['name'] . '"');
$_name = trim($saved_data[0]['name'], "\"'");
if (isset($this->smarty->block_data[$_name])) {
if (strpos($this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled'], '%%%%SMARTY_PARENT%%%%') !== false) {
$_output = str_replace('%%%%SMARTY_PARENT%%%%', $compiler->template->extracted_compiled_code, $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled']);
} elseif ($this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'prepend') {
$_output = $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled'] . $compiler->template->extracted_compiled_code;
} elseif ($this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'append') {
$_output = $compiler->template->extracted_compiled_code . $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled'];
} elseif (!empty($this->smarty->block_data[$_name])) {
$_output = $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled'];
} else {
$_output = $compiler->template->extracted_compiled_code;
$compiler->template->extracted_compiled_code = $saved_data[1];
$compiler->template->extract_code = $saved_data[2];
// check for includes in block tags
preg_match('/(\<\?php \$_smarty_tpl-\>decodeProperties\(\')(.*)(\'.*\?\>)/', $_output, $matches);
$_output = preg_replace(array('/(\<\?php \$_smarty_tpl-\>decodeProperties\(\')(.*)(\'.*\?\>.*\n)/', '/(\<\?php if\(\!defined\(\'SMARTY_DIR\'\)\))(.*)(\?\>.*\n)/'), '', $_output);
if (isset($matches[2])) {
$prop = unserialize($matches[2]);
$compiler->template->properties['file_dependency'] = array_merge($compiler->template->properties['file_dependency'], $prop['file_dependency']);
return $_output;

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Sat, Feb 22, 20:24 (1 d, 5 h ago)
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smarty_internal_compile_block.php (3 KB)

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