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No OneTemporary

* Main hotglue module
* Copyright Gottfried Haider, Danja Vasiliev 2010.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
* See the file COPYING for more details.
// html{,_parse}.inc.php are only included where needed
// has more information on what's going on inside modules
// (they can be easier than that one though)
// TODO (later): switch services to using $args['args'] for input validation?
* helper function for revisions_info()
* @param array $a array to compare
* @param array $b array to compare
* @return int comparison result
function _cmp_time($a, $b)
if ($a['time'] == $b['time']) {
return 0;
return ($a['time'] < $b['time']) ? 1 : -1;
// TODO: document
// wait in millis
function _obj_lock($name, $wait = true)
// TODO (later): make this work on Windows (opening and writing to files
// after taking the lock doesn't work there atm)
// bandaid below
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
log_msg('warn', 'lock: locking is not supported on WIN32 at the moment');
return true;
$start = intval(microtime(true)*1000.0);
$fn = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $name);
// resolve symlinks
if (@is_link($fn)) {
$target = @readlink($fn);
if (substr($target, 0, 1) == '/') {
$fn = $target;
} else {
$fn = dirname($fn).'/'.$target;
log_msg('debug', 'lock: resolved '.$name.' -> '.$fn);
do {
$f = @fopen($fn, 'rb');
if ($f === false) {
// file does not exist
log_msg('debug', 'lock: file '.$fn.' does not exist');
return NULL;
// try to acquire lock
if (@flock($f, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) {
// success
log_msg('debug', 'lock: acquired lock for '.$name);
return $f;
} elseif ($wait === false) {
// give up right away
log_msg('debug', 'lock: could not acquire lock');
return false;
} elseif (is_int($wait) && $wait < abs(intval(microtime(true)*1000.0)-$start)) {
// timeout
log_msg('debug', 'lock: could not acquire lock in '.$wait.'ms');
return false;
// sleep for a tenth of a second (not sure if this works)
} while (true);
// TODO: document
function _obj_unlock($f)
// bandaid below
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
log_msg('warn', 'unlock: locking is not supported on WIN32 at the moment');
if ($f) {
@flock($f, LOCK_UN);
log_msg('debug', 'lock: released lock');
* create and delete auto- revisions
* this function operates on a specific page and takes SNAPSHOT_MIN_AGE and
* SNAPSHOT_MAX_AGE into account.
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'page' is the page (i.e. page.rev)
* @return array response
* true if successful
function check_auto_snapshot($args)
if (!isset($args['page'])) {
return response('Required argument "page" missing', 400);
if (!page_exists($args['page'])) {
return response('Page '.quot($args['page']).' does not exist', 400);
$a = expl('.', $args['page']);
$revs = revisions_info(array('pagename'=>$a[0], 'sort'=>'time'));
$revs = $revs['#data'];
if ($a[1] == 'head' && SNAPSHOT_MIN_AGE != 0) {
// we're dealing with a head revision and taking snapshots
// find the previous auto- revision
for ($i=0; $i < count($revs); $i++) {
if (substr($revs[$i]['revision'], 0, 5) == 'auto-') {
// got it, check age
if (time()-$revs[$i]['time'] < SNAPSHOT_MIN_AGE) {
log_msg('debug', 'check_auto_snapshot: age is '.(time()-$revs[$i]['time']).' seconds, not creating a snapshot');
// check if different
if (dir_is_different(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['page']), CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $revs[$i]['page']))) {
} else {
log_msg('debug', 'check_auto_snapshot: head is identical to '.$revs[$i]['revision'].', not creating a snapshot');
if ($i == count($revs)-1) {
// no auto- revision?, create one now
// delete old auto- revisions
if (SNAPSHOT_MAX_AGE != 0) {
for ($i=count($revs)-1; 0 <= $i; $i--) {
if (substr($revs[$i]['revision'], 0, 5) == 'auto-' && SNAPSHOT_MAX_AGE < time()-$revs[$i]['time']) {
log_msg('info', 'check_auto_snapshot: deleting an old snapshot');
return response(true);
register_service('glue.check_auto_snapshot', 'check_auto_snapshot', array('auth'=>true));
* duplicate an object
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'name' name of the object to duplicate
* @return array response
* string name of new object if successful
function clone_object($args)
// load old object
$old = load_object($args);
if ($old['#error']) {
return $old;
} else {
$old = $old['#data'];
// create new object
$a = expl('.', $old['name']);
$new = create_object(array('page'=>$a[0].'.'.$a[1]));
if ($new['#error']) {
return $new;
} else {
$new = $new['#data'];
// save old object as new
$new = array_merge($old, $new);
$ret = save_object($new);
if ($ret['#error']) {
return $ret;
} else {
// return name
return response($new['name']);
register_service('glue.clone_object', 'clone_object', array('auth'=>true));
* create an empty object in the content directory
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'page' is the page (i.e. page.rev)
* @return array response
* key 'name' is the name of the object created
function create_object($args)
if (!isset($args['page'])) {
return response('Required argument "page" missing', 400);
if (!page_exists($args['page'])) {
return response('Page '.quot($args['page']).' does not exist', 400);
// try to create new file
$f = false;
$tries = 0;
$mtime = intval(microtime(true)*100.0);
log_msg('warn', 'create_object: $mtime is '.$mtime.', raw call returns '.quot(microtime(true)));
do {
// use a finer granularity than unix time by default
$name = $args['page'].'.'.($mtime+$tries);
$m = umask(0111);
$f = @fopen(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $name), 'x');
while ($f === false && $tries++ < 9);
if (!$f) {
return response('Error creating an object in page '.quot($args['page']), 500);
} else {
log_msg('warn', 'create_object: created '.quot($name));
return response(array('name'=>$name));
register_service('glue.create_object', 'create_object', array('auth'=>true));
* create a page
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'page' is the page (i.e. page.rev)
* @return array response
function create_page($args)
if (empty($args['page'])) {
return response('Required argument "page" missing or empty', 400);
if (page_exists($args['page'])) {
return response('Page '.quot($args['page']).' already exists', 400);
if (!valid_pagename($args['page'])) {
return response('Invalid page name '.quot($args['page']), 400);
$a = expl('.', $args['page']);
$d = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$a[0];
if (!is_dir($d)) {
$m = umask(0000);
if (!@mkdir($d, 0777)) {
return response('Error creating directory '.quot($d), 500);
$d .= '/'.$a[1];
if (!is_dir($d)) {
$m = umask(0000);
if (!@mkdir($d, 0777)) {
return response('Error creating directory '.quot($d), 500);
log_msg('info', 'create_page: created '.quot($args['page']));
invoke_hook('create_page', array('page'=>$args['page']));
return response(true);
register_service('glue.create_page', 'create_page', array('auth'=>true));
register_hook('create_page', 'invoked when a page has been created');
* delete an object from the content directory
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'name' is the object name (i.e. page.rev.obj)
* @return array response
function delete_object($args)
if (empty($args['name'])) {
return response('Required argument "name" missing or empty', 400);
if (!object_exists($args['name'])) {
return response('Object '.quot($args['name']).' does not exist', 404);
// check if the object file is writable
// this allows us to make singular objects read-only by setting the file
// permissions to 0444 or similar
if (!is_writable(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['name']))) {
return response('Object '.quot($args['name']).' is read-only, not deleting it', 500);
// call delete_object unless the object is a symlink
// this is because referenced resources are not part of the current page
// anyway, and this way it is easier to handle for the modules
$ret = object_get_symlink($args);
$ret = $ret['#data'];
if ($ret === false) {
$obj = load_object($args);
if ($obj['#error']) {
return $obj;
} else {
$obj = $obj['#data'];
invoke_hook('delete_object', array('obj'=>$obj));
if (!@unlink(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['name']))) {
return response('Error deleting object '.quot($args['name']), 500);
} else {
log_msg('info', 'delete_object: deleted '.quot($args['name']));
// drop the object's page from cache
$a = expl('.', $args['name']);
drop_cache('page', $a[0].'.'.$a[1]);
return response(true);
register_service('glue.delete_object', 'delete_object', array('auth'=>true));
register_hook('delete_object', 'invoked when an object is going to be deleted, should be used for deleting referenced resources');
* delete a page
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'page' is the page (i.e. page.rev)
* @return array response
function delete_page($args)
if (empty($args['page'])) {
return response('Required argument "page" missing or empty', 400);
if (!page_exists($args['page'])) {
return response('Page '.quot($args['page']).' does not exist', 404);
log_msg('info', 'delete_page: deleting '.quot($args['page']));
invoke_hook('delete_page', array('page'=>$args['page']));
// TODO (later): make it possible to delete all revisions at once
// (optimization for frontend)
// it's objects first
$files = @scandir(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['page']));
foreach ($files as $f) {
if ($f == '.' || $f == '..') {
$ret = delete_object(array('name'=>$args['page'].'.'.$f));
if ($ret['#error']) {
// try to delete dangling symlinks
$fn = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['page']).'/'.$f;
if (is_link($fn) && !is_file($fn) && !is_dir($fn)) {
if (@unlink($fn)) {
log_msg('info', 'delete_page: deleted dangling symlink '.quot($args['page'].'.'.$f));
} else {
log_msg('error', 'delete_page: error deleting dangling symlink '.quot($args['page'].'.'.$f));
} else {
log_msg('error', 'delete_object: '.$ret['#data']);
// then the revision directory
if (!@rmdir(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['page']))) {
return response('Error deleting page '.$args['page'], 500);
} else {
log_msg('debug', 'delete_page: deleted '.quot($args['page']));
// drop the page from cache
drop_cache('page', $args['page']);
// finally try the shared directory and page directory
$a = expl('.', $args['page']);
if (@rmdir(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$a[0])) {
log_msg('info', 'delete_page: parent page directory empty, removing '.quot($a[0]));
return response(true);
register_service('glue.delete_page', 'delete_page', array('auth'=>true));
register_hook('delete_page', 'invoked when a page is going to be deleted');
register_hook('has_reference', 'used for deleting referenced resources');
* delete a file in the shared directory of a page
* this function only deletes the file when there are no references to it
* left. this is not meant to be called directly from the frontend, but
* modules should use it when implementing delete_object.
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'pagename' is the pagename (i.e. page)
* key 'file' filename of file in the shared directory
* key 'max_cnt' delete the file if there are <= max_cnt references (defaults to zero)
* @return array response
* true if the file got deleted for good, false if not
function delete_upload($args)
if (@is_numeric($args['max_cnt'])) {
$max_cnt = intval($args['max_cnt']);
} else {
$max_cnt = 0;
$refs = upload_references(array_merge($args, array('stop_after'=>$max_cnt+1)));
if ($refs['#error']) {
return $refs;
} else {
$refs = $refs['#data'];
$f = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$args['pagename'].'/shared/'.$args['file'];
if (count($refs) <= $max_cnt) {
if (@unlink($f)) {
log_msg('info', 'delete_upload: deleted '.quot($f));
// being overly tidy, remove the shared dir if empty
return response(true);
} else {
return response('Error deleting '.quot($f), 500);
} else {
log_msg('info', 'delete_upload: not deleting '.quot($f).' because there are still other objects referencing it');
return response(false);
register_service('glue.delete_upload', 'delete_upload', array('auth'=>true));
* load an object from the content directory
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'name' is the object name (i.e. page.rev.obj)
* @return array response
function load_object($args)
if (empty($args['name'])) {
return response('Required argument "name" missing or empty', 400);
// open file for reading
if (($f = @fopen(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['name']), 'rb')) === false) {
return response('Error opening '.quot($args['name']).' for reading', 404);
// set the name attribute
// TODO (later): declaring arrays like this is probably unnecessary
$ret = array();
$ret['name'] = $args['name'];
// read lines and fill object array
$doing_attribs = true;
while (!feof($f)) {
$l = fgets($f, 4096);
if ($doing_attribs) {
// read attributes first
if (substr($l, -2) == "\r\n") {
$l = substr($l, 0, -2);
} elseif (substr($l, -1) == "\n") {
$l = substr($l, 0, -1);
} elseif (substr($l, -1) == "\r") {
$l = substr($l, 0, -1);
$a = expl(':', $l);
if (count($a) == 0) {
$doing_attribs = false;
} elseif (count($a) == 1) {
// value missing, ignoring
} else {
$ret[$a[0]] = implode(':', array_slice($a, 1));
} else {
// content starts after the first empty line
if (isset($ret['content'])) {
$ret['content'] .= $l;
} else {
$ret['content'] = $l;
// re-set the name attribute (in case it got overwritten)
$ret['name'] = $args['name'];
return response($ret);
register_service('glue.load_object', 'load_object', array('auth'=>true));
* return the target of an object symlink
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'name' is the object name (i.e. page.rev.obj)
* @return array response
* key '#data' either has the target as object name, an
* empty string if the target is outside the content directory or
* false if the object is no symlink
function object_get_symlink($args)
if (empty($args['name'])) {
return response('Required argument "name" missing or empty', 400);
// TODO (later): think the symlink situation on Windows through
if (is_link(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['name']))) {
$f = readlink(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['name']));
if (substr($f, 0, 6) != '../../' || substr($f, 6, 2) == '..') {
log_msg('warn', 'object_get_symlink: target outside of content directory: '.quot($args['name']).' -> '.quot($f));
return response('');
} else {
return response(str_replace('/', '.', substr($f, 6)));
} else {
return response(false);
register_service('glue.object_get_symlink', 'object_get_symlink', array('auth'=>true));
* create a symlink pointing to an object in all other pagename's head revisions
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'name' is the object name (i.e. page.rev.obj)
* @param array response
function object_make_symlink($args)
if (empty($args['name'])) {
return response('Required argument "name" missing or empty', 400);
if (!object_exists($args['name'])) {
return response('Object '.quot($args['name']).' does not exist', 404);
$a = expl('.', $args['name']);
// see if the object is itself a symlink
$ret = object_get_symlink($args);
$ret = $ret['#data'];
if ($ret !== false && $ret !== '') {
// create a symlink pointing to the object's target instead
$target = '../../'.str_replace('.', '/', $ret);
// skip both the original object's pagename and the new target's pagename
$a_target = expl('.', $ret);
$skip_pns = array($a[0], $a_target[0]);
} else {
$target = '../../'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['name']);
$skip_pns = array($a[0]);
$pns = pagenames(array());
$pns = $pns['#data'];
// for every pagename
foreach ($pns as $pn) {
if (in_array($pn, $skip_pns)) {
// check if the head revision exists
if (is_dir(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$pn.'/head')) {
$link = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$pn.'/head/'.$a[2];
if (is_file($link) && !is_link($link)) {
// delete objects with the same name
// these should have been created when shapshotting and the
// revision has later been reverted to
} elseif (is_link($link) && !is_file($link) && !is_dir($link)) {
// delete dangling symlinks too
if (@unlink($link)) {
log_msg('info', 'object_make_symlink: deleted dangling symlink '.quot($pn.'.head.'.$a[2]));
} else {
log_msg('error', 'object_make_symlink: error deleting dangling symlink '.quot($pn.'.head.'.$a[2]));
// try to create symlink
if (@symlink($target, $link)) {
log_msg('debug', 'object_make_symlink: '.quot($pn.'.head.'.$a[2]).' -> '.quot($target));
// drop the page from cache
drop_cache('page', $pn.'.head');
return response(true);
register_service('glue.object_make_symlink', 'object_make_symlink', array('auth'=>true));
* remove one or more attributes from an object in the content directory
* this function takes the object lock.
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'name' is the object name (i.e. page.rev.obj)
* key 'attr' is either a string or an array containing the attribute
* names (keys) to remove
* @return array response
function object_remove_attr($args)
if (!isset($args['attr'])) {
return response('Required argument "attr" missing', 400);
$_l = _obj_lock($args['name'], LOCK_TIME);
if ($_l === false) {
return response('Could not acquire lock to '.quot($args['name']).' in '.LOCK_TIME.'ms', 500);
$obj = load_object($args);
if ($obj['#error']) {
return $obj;
} else {
$obj = $obj['#data'];
if (is_array($args['attr'])) {
foreach ($args['attr'] as $a) {
if (isset($obj[$a])) {
} elseif (is_string($args['attr'])) {
if (isset($obj[$args['attr']])) {
} else {
return response('Argument "attr" need to be either array or string', 400);
$ret = save_object($obj);
return $ret;
register_service('glue.object_remove_attr', 'object_remove_attr', array('auth'=>true));
* return an array of all pagenames in the content directory
* @param array $args unused
* @return array response
function pagenames($args)
if (is_dir(CONTENT_DIR)) {
$files = @scandir(CONTENT_DIR);
$ret = array();
foreach ($files as $f) {
if ($f == '.' || $f == '..' || $f == 'cache' || $f == 'shared') {
} elseif (!is_dir(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$f)) {
// skip files
} elseif (substr($f, 0, 1) == '.') {
// skip directories starting with a dot (like .svn)
} else {
$ret[] = $f;
return response($ret);
} else {
return response(array());
register_service('glue.pagenames', 'pagenames');
* turn an object into an html string
* the function also appends the resulting string to the output in
* @param array $args arguments
* string 'name' is the object name (i.e. page.rev.obj)
* bool 'edit' are we editing or not
* @return array response
* html
function render_object($args)
// maybe move this to in the future and get rid of some of
// these checks in the beginning
$obj = load_object($args);
if ($obj['#error']) {
return $obj;
} else {
$obj = $obj['#data'];
if (!isset($args['edit'])) {
return response('Required argument "edit" missing', 400);
if ($args['edit']) {
$args['edit'] = true;
} else {
$args['edit'] = false;
log_msg('debug', 'render_object: rendering '.quot($args['name']));
$ret = invoke_hook_while('render_object', false, array('obj'=>$obj, 'edit'=>$args['edit']));
if (empty($ret)) {
log_msg('warn', 'render_object: nobody claimed '.quot($obj['name']));
return response('');
} else {
$temp = array_keys($ret);
log_msg('debug', 'render_object: '.quot($obj['name']).' was handled by '.quot($temp[0]));
$temp = array_values($ret);
// make sure object has a tailing newline
if (0 < strlen($temp[0]) && substr($temp[0], -1) != "\n") {
$temp[0] .= nl();
// return the element as html-string as well
return response($temp[0]);
register_service('glue.render_object', 'render_object');
register_hook('render_object', 'render an object');
* turn a page into an html string
* the function also appends the resulting string to the output in
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'page' is the page (i.e. page.rev)
* key 'edit' are we editing or not
* @return array response
* html
function render_page($args)
// maybe move this to in the future and get rid of some of
// these checks in the beginning
if (empty($args['page'])) {
return response('Required argument "page" missing or empty', 400);
if (!page_exists($args['page'])) {
return response('Page '.quot($args['page']).' does not exist', 404);
if (!isset($args['edit'])) {
return response('Required argument "edit" missing', 400);
if ($args['edit']) {
$args['edit'] = true;
} else {
$args['edit'] = false;
log_msg('debug', 'render_page: rendering '.quot($args['page']));
$bdy = &body();
elem_add_class($bdy, 'page');
elem_attr($bdy, 'id', $args['page']);
invoke_hook('render_page_early', array('page'=>$args['page'], 'edit'=>$args['edit']));
// for every file in the page directory
$files = @scandir(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['page']));
foreach ($files as $f) {
$fn = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['page']).'/'.$f;
if ($f == '.' || $f == '..') {
} elseif (is_link($fn) && !is_file($fn) && !is_dir($fn)) {
// delete dangling symlink
if (@unlink($fn)) {
log_msg('info', 'render_page: deleted dangling symlink '.quot($args['page'].'.'.$f));
} else {
log_msg('error', 'render_page: error deleting dangling symlink '.quot($args['page'].'.'.$f));
// render object
render_object(array('name'=>$args['page'].'.'.$f, 'edit'=>$args['edit']));
invoke_hook('render_page_late', array('page'=>$args['page'], 'edit'=>$args['edit']));
log_msg('debug', 'render_page: finished '.quot($args['page']));
// return the body element as html-string as well
return response(elem_finalize($bdy));
register_service('glue.render_page', 'render_page');
register_hook('render_page_early', 'invoked early in the page rendering');
register_hook('render_page_late', 'invoked after the objects have been rendered');
* rename a page
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'old' old page (i.e. page1.rev)
* key 'new' new page (i.e. page2.rev)
* @return array response
function rename_page($args)
if (empty($args['old'])) {
return response('Required argument "old" missing or empty', 400);
$pns = pagenames(array());
$pns = $pns['#data'];
if (!in_array($args['old'], $pns)) {
return response('Page name '.quot($args['old']).' does not exist', 404);
if (empty($args['new'])) {
return response('Required argument "new" missing or empty', 400);
if (in_array($args['new'], $pns)) {
return response('Page name '.quot($args['new']).' already exists', 400);
if (!valid_pagename($args['new'].'.head')) {
return response('Invalid page name '.quot($args['new']), 400);
if (!@rename(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$args['old'], CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$args['new'])) {
return response('Error renaming page '.quot($args['old']).' to '.quot($args['new']), 500);
} else {
log_msg('info', 'rename_page: renamed '.quot($args['old']).' to '.quot($args['new']));
// clean up cache as well
$revs = revisions(array('pagename'=>$args['new']));
$revs = $revs['#data'];
foreach ($revs as $rev) {
drop_cache('page', $args['old'].'.'.$rev);
invoke_hook('rename_page', array('pagename'=>$args['new']));
return response(true);
register_service('glue.rename_page', 'rename_page', array('auth'=>true));
register_hook('rename_page', 'invoked when a page has been renamed');
* revert to a specific revision of a page
* this function makes the revision the page's new head revision by copying it.
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'page' page to revert to (i.e. page.rev)
* @return array response
function revert($args)
if (empty($args['page'])) {
return response('Required argument "page" missing or empty', 400);
if (!page_exists($args['page'])) {
return response('Page '.quot($args['page']).' does not exist', 404);
$a = expl('.', $args['page']);
if ($a[1] == 'head') {
return response('Cannot revert to head revision', 400);
log_msg('info', 'revert: reverting to '.quot($args['page']));
// delete current head revision
if (page_exists($a[0].'.head')) {
$ret = delete_page(array('page'=>$a[0].'.head'));
if ($ret['#error']) {
return $ret;
// create new head revision
$dest = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$a[0].'/head';
$m = umask(0000);
if (!@mkdir($dest, 0777)) {
return response('Error creating directory '.quot($dest), 500);
// copy files
$src = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$a[0].'/'.$a[1];
$files = scandir($src);
foreach ($files as $f) {
if ($f == '.' || $f == '..') {
} elseif (is_file($src.'/'.$f)) {
// copy file
$m = umask(0111);
if (!@copy($src.'/'.$f, $dest.'/'.$f)) {
log_msg('error', 'revert: error copying '.quot($src.'/'.$f).' to '.quot($dest.'/'.$f).', skipping file');
log_msg('info', 'revert: reverted to '.quot($args['page']));
invoke_hook('revert', array('page'=>$args['page']));
return response(true);
register_service('glue.revert', 'revert', array('auth'=>true));
register_hook('revert', 'invoked after a page has been reverted to');
* return an array of all revisions of a page
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'pagename' is the pagename (i.e. page)
* @return array response
function revisions($args)
if (empty($args['pagename'])) {
return response('Required argument "pagename" missing or empty', 400);
if (!is_dir(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$args['pagename'])) {
return response('Page name '.quot($args['pagename']).' does not exist', 404);
$files = @scandir(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$args['pagename']);
$ret = array();
foreach ($files as $f) {
if ($f == '.' || $f == '..' || $f == 'shared') {
} elseif (!is_dir(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$args['pagename'].'/'.$f)) {
// skip files
} else {
$ret[] = $f;
return response($ret);
register_service('glue.revisions', 'revisions');
* return an array with informations about all revisions of a page
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'pagename' is the pagename (i.e. page)
* key 'sort' can be either 'time' (descending) or 'name' (ascending, the
* default)
* @return array response
function revisions_info($args)
$revs = revisions($args);
if ($revs['#error']) {
return $revs;
$ret = array();
foreach ($revs['#data'] as $r) {
$d = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$args['pagename'].'/'.$r;
$ret[] = array('revision'=>$r, 'time'=>@filemtime($d), 'num_objs'=>count(@scandir($d))-2, 'page'=>$args['pagename'].'.'.$r);
if (isset($args['sort']) && $args['sort'] == 'time') {
// make head revision always most recent one
$head = false;
for ($i=0; $i < count($ret); $i++) {
if ($ret[$i]['revision'] == 'head') {
$head = $ret[$i];
array_splice($ret, $i, 1);
usort($ret, '_cmp_time');
if ($head !== false) {
$ret = array_merge(array($head), $ret);
return response($ret);
register_service('glue.revisions_info', 'revisions_info');
* save an object to the content directory
* use update_object() whenever possible as we want to preserve any object
* metadata that is stored in as attributes.
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'name' is the object name (i.e. page.rev.obj)
* key 'content' is the object's content
* all other key/value pairs are treated as attributes
* @return array response
function save_object($args)
if (empty($args['name'])) {
return response('Required argument "name" missing or empty', 400);
// open file for writing
$m = umask(0111);
if (($f = @fopen(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['name']), 'wb')) === false) {
return response('Error opening '.quot($args['name']).' for writing', 500);
// save attributes
foreach ($args as $key=>$val) {
if ($key == 'name' || $key == 'content') {
// check for delimiter character in key
if (strpos($key, ':') !== false) {
log_msg('warn', 'save_object: skipping attribute '.quot($key).' in object '.quot($args['name']));
// filter newlines from value
$val = str_replace("\r\n", '', $val);
$val = str_replace("\n", '', $val);
$val = str_replace("\r", '', $val);
fwrite($f, $key.':'.$val."\n");
// save content
if (isset($args['content'])) {
fwrite($f, "\n");
fwrite($f, $args['content']);
// drop the page from cache
// TODO (later): also drop related caches if object is a symlink or target
// of a symlink
$a = expl('.', $args['name']);
drop_cache('page', $a[0].'.'.$a[1]);
return response(true);
register_service('glue.save_object', 'save_object', array('auth'=>true));
* save the state of a html element corresponding to an object to disk
* this function takes the object lock.
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'html' one html element
* @return array response
* true if successful
function save_state($args)
if (empty($args['html'])) {
return response('Required argument "html" missing or empty', 400);
$elem = html_parse_elem($args['html']);
if (!elem_has_class($elem, 'object')) {
return response('Error saving state as class "object" is not set', 400);
} elseif (!object_exists(elem_attr($elem, 'id'))) {
return response('Error saving state as object does not exist', 404);
$L = _obj_lock(elem_attr($elem, 'id'), LOCK_TIME);
if ($L === false) {
return response('Could not acquire lock to '.quot($args['name']).' in '.LOCK_TIME.'ms', 500);
$obj = load_object(array('name'=>elem_attr($elem, 'id')));
if ($obj['#error']) {
return response('Error saving state, cannot load '.quot(elem_attr($elem, 'id')), 500);
} else {
$obj = $obj['#data'];
$ret = invoke_hook_while('save_state', false, array('elem'=>$elem, 'obj'=>$obj));
if (count($ret) == 0) {
return response('Error saving state as nobody claimed element', 500);
} else {
$temp = array_keys($ret);
log_msg('info', 'save_state: '.quot($obj['name']).' was handled by '.quot($temp[0]));
return response(true);
register_service('glue.save_state', 'save_state', array('auth'=>true));
// modules handling this hook need to make sure that they are not calling
// either update_object() or object_remove_attr(), but rather save_object()
// directly
register_hook('save_state', 'save the current state of an object to disk');
* set the startpage
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'page' is the page (i.e. page.rev)
* @return array response
* true if successful
function set_startpage($args)
if (!isset($args['page'])) {
return response('Required argument "page" missing', 400);
$m = umask(0111);
if (file_put_contents(CONTENT_DIR.'/startpage', $args['page']) === false) {
return response('Error setting start page', 500);
} else {
return response(true);
register_service('glue.set_startpage', 'set_startpage', array('auth'=>true));
* create a snapshot from a page
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'page' page to shapshot (i.e. page.rev)
* key 'rev' (optional) new revision name (i.e. rev2) (if empty or not set
* a revision starting with 'auto-' and the current date will be
* created)
* @return array response (holding the page of the newly created revision
* if successful)
function snapshot($args)
if (empty($args['page'])) {
return response('Required argument "page" missing or empty', 400);
if (!page_exists($args['page'])) {
return response('Page '.quot($args['page']).' does not exist', 404);
// setup revision name
$a = expl('.', $args['page']);
if (empty($args['rev'])) {
$args['rev'] = 'auto-'.date('YmdHis');
} elseif (page_exists($a[0].'.'.$args['rev'])) {
return response('Revision '.quot($args['rev']).' already exists', 400);
} elseif (!valid_pagename($a[0].'.'.$args['rev'])) {
return response('Invalid revision '.quot($args['rev']), 400);
// create revision
$dest = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$a[0].'/'.$args['rev'];
$m = umask(0000);
if (!@mkdir($dest)) {
return response('Error creating directory '.quot($dest), 500);
// copy files
// we go through the files one by one in order to spot symlinks hiding
$src = CONTENT_DIR.'/'.str_replace('.', '/', $args['page']);
$files = scandir($src);
foreach ($files as $f) {
if ($f == '.' || $f == '..') {
} elseif (is_dir($src.'/'.$f)) {
log_msg('warn', 'snapshot: skipping '.quot($src.'/'.$f).' as we don\'t support directories inside pages');
} elseif (is_link($src.'/'.$f) && is_file($src.'/'.$f)) {
// a proper symlink, copy content
$s = @file_get_contents($src.'/'.$f);
$m = umask(0111);
if (!@file_put_contents($dest.'/'.$f, $s)) {
log_msg('error', 'snapshot: error writing to '.quot($dest.'/'.$f). ', skipping file');
} else {
log_msg('debug', 'snapshot: copied the content of symlink '.quot($args['page'].'.'.$f));
// load the newly created snapshot and give modules a chance to
// copy referenced files as well
$dest_name = $a[0].'.'.$args['rev'].'.'.$f;
$dest_obj = load_object(array('name'=>$dest_name));
if ($dest_obj['#error']) {
log_msg('error', 'snapshot: error loading snapshotted object '.quot($dest_name).', skipping hook');
} else {
$dest_obj = $dest_obj['#data'];
// get the source object's target
$src_name = $args['page'].'.'.$f;
$src_target = object_get_symlink(array('name'=>$src_name));
if ($src_target['#error']) {
log_msg('error', 'snapshot: error getting the symlink target of source object '.quot($src_name).', skipping hook');
} else {
$src_target = $src_target['#data'];
// hook
invoke_hook('snapshot_symlink', array('obj'=>$dest_obj, 'origin'=>implode('.', array_slice(expl('.', $src_target), 0, 2))));
} elseif (is_file($src.'/'.$f)) {
// copy file
$m = umask(0111);
if (!@copy($src.'/'.$f, $dest.'/'.$f)) {
log_msg('error', 'snapshot: error copying '.quot($src.'/'.$f).' to '.quot($dest.'/'.$f).', skipping file');
log_msg('info', 'snapshot: created snapshot '.quot($a[0].'.'.$args['rev']).' from '.quot($args['page']));
return response($a[0].'.'.$args['rev']);
register_service('glue.snapshot', 'snapshot', array('auth'=>true));
* update an object
* this function merges the attributes in $args with the object already on
* disk. the object need not exist before, though.
* this function takes the object lock.
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'name' is the object name (i.e. page.rev.obj)
* key 'content' is the object's content
* all other key/value pairs are treated as attributes
* @return array response
function update_object($args)
if (empty($args['name'])) {
return response('Required argument "name" missing or empty', 400);
$L = _obj_lock($args['name'], LOCK_TIME);
// the object need not exist, so we're not checking against
// $L being NULL here
if ($L === false) {
return response('Could not acquire lock to '.quot($args['name']).' in '.LOCK_TIME.'ms', 500);
$old = load_object($args);
if ($old['#error']) {
$old = array();
} else {
$old = $old['#data'];
$new = array_merge($old, $args);
$ret = save_object($new);
return $ret;
register_service('glue.update_object', 'update_object', array('auth'=>true));
// TODO: document
function upload_files($args)
if (empty($args['page'])) {
return response('Required argument "page" missing or empty', 400);
if (!page_exists($args['page'])) {
return response('Page '.quot($args['page']).' does not exist', 404);
$ret = array();
log_msg('debug', 'upload_files: $_FILES is '.var_dump_inl($_FILES));
foreach ($_FILES as $f) {
$existed = false;
$fn = upload_file($f['tmp_name'], $args['page'], $f['name'], $existed);
if ($fn === false) {
} else {
$args = array_merge($args, array('file'=>$fn, 'mime'=>$f['type'], 'size'=>$f['size']));
// clear mime type if set to default application/octet-stream
if ($args['mime'] == 'application/octet-stream') {
$args['mime'] = '';
$s = false;
// check preferred_module first
if (!empty($args['preferred_module'])) {
$func = $args['preferred_module'].'_upload';
if (is_callable($func)) {
log_msg('debug', 'upload_files: invoking hook upload, calling '.$func);
$s = $func($args);
if ($s !== false) {
log_msg('info', 'upload_object: '.quot($fn).' was handled by '.quot($args['preferred_module']));
// check all other modules next
if ($s === false) {
$r = invoke_hook_while('upload', false, $args);
if (count($r) == 1) {
$s = array_pop(array_values($r));
log_msg('info', 'upload_object: '.quot($fn).' was handled by '.quot(array_pop(array_keys($r))));
// check fallback hook last
if ($s === false) {
$r = invoke_hook_while('upload_fallback', false, $args);
if (count($r) == 1) {
$s = array_pop(array_values($r));
log_msg('info', 'upload_object: '.quot($fn).' was (fallback-) handled by '.quot(array_pop(array_keys($r))));
if ($s === false) {
log_msg('warn', 'upload_files: nobody cared about file '.quot($fn).', type '.$f['type']);
// delete file again unless it did already exist
if (!$existed) {
$a = expl('.', $args['page']);
} else {
$ret[] = $s;
return response($ret);
register_service('glue.upload_files', 'upload_files', array('auth'=>true));
* list all objects referencing a certain file in the shared directory
* @param array $args arguments
* key 'pagename' is the pagename (i.e. page)
* key 'file' filename of file in the shared directory
* key 'stop_after' n references
* @return array response
* array of objects (i.e. page.rev.obj)
function upload_references($args)
$revs = revisions($args);
if ($revs['#error']) {
return $revs;
} else {
$revs = $revs['#data'];
if (empty($args['file'])) {
return response('Required argument "file" missing or empty', 400);
// this is an optimization for delete_upload()
if (@is_numeric($args['stop_after'])) {
$stop_after = intval($args['stop_after']);
} else {
$stop_after = 0;
$ret = array();
// for each revision
foreach ($revs as $rev) {
// load all objects
$files = @scandir(CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$args['pagename'].'/'.$rev);
foreach ($files as $f) {
if ($f == '.' || $f == '..') {
$obj = load_object(array('name'=>$args['pagename'].'.'.$rev.'.'.$f));
if ($obj['#error']) {
} else {
$obj = $obj['#data'];
// and handle the object to our modules
log_msg('debug', 'upload_references: checking '.quot($obj['name']));
$revs = invoke_hook_while('has_reference', false, array('file'=>$args['file'], 'obj'=>$obj));
if (count($revs)) {
$ret[] = $args['pagename'].'.'.$rev.'.'.$f;
if (count($ret) == $stop_after) {
// return prematurely
return response($ret);
return response($ret);
register_service('glue.upload_references', 'upload_references', array('auth'=>true));
register_hook('has_reference', 'check if an object references an uploaded file');
function glue_module_info()
return array(
'description' => 'core hotglue functionality, do not remove',
'author' => 'gohai',
'version' => 1.0,
'url' => '',
'dependencies' => array()
register_hook('module_info', 'return information about the module');

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Feb 22, 20:21 (20 h, 49 m ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (40 KB)

Event Timeline