(1, 00001, 001, 'Tour', 'Tour circulaire, surplombant l''hypership, offrant une vue circulaire sur l''espace (ou l''ultraespace, ou l''hyperespace) et une rotonde aux derniers étages.\r\n\r\n== Toponymie numérique ==\r\nChaque niveau (correspondant à un secteur, identifié par la lettre T suivi du niveau, en partant du haut) est divisé en 6 couloirs d''approximativement 60°.', '/^(T[1-9][0-9]*C[1-6])$/', NULL),
(2, 00001, 002, 'Core', 'Le coeur de l''hypership, son centre de gravité et les 8 cubes l''entourant.\r\n\r\n== Toponymie numérique ==\r\nLe core est divisé en 9 secteurs : C0 pour le centre de gravité, C1 à C4 pour les cubes de la couche inférieure, C5 à C8 pour les cubes de la couche supérieure.', NULL, NULL),
(3, 00002, 001, 'Algir', '', NULL, NULL),
(4, 00003, 001, 'Zeta', '', NULL, 'start'),
(5, 00001, 003, 'Bays', 'Baies permettant d''accueillir divers vaisseaux au sein de l''hypership.', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `pages` (`page_id`, `page_code`, `page_title`, `page_content`) VALUES
(3, 'ArtworkCredits', 'Artwork credits', '<h2>Login screen</h2>\r\n<p>Wires and blocks use following tutorials:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li><a href="http://www.tutorio.com/tutorial/futuristic-decay-interface">Futuristic Decay Interface</a></li>\r\n <li><a href="http://www.tutorio.com/tutorial/photoshop-wire-tutorial">Photoshop Wire Tutorial</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h2>Hypership</h2>\r\n<h3>Gallery tower</h3>\r\n<p>Technical schemas Dereckson. In the future, some could contain technical shapes Photoshop brushes, by <a href="http://scully7491.deviantart.com/">scully7491</a>.</p>\r\n<p>Portholes structure (c) Richard Carpenter, Six Revisions.<br />\r\nA <a href="http://sixrevisions.com/tutorials/photoshop-tutorials/how-to-design-a-space-futuristic-gallery-layout-in-photoshop/">tutorial is available here</a>.</p>\r\n<p>When the hypership is in hyperspace mode, portholes prints a colored background by <a href="http://www.sxc.hu/profile/ilco">ilco</a>.<br />\r\nWhen reaching a system, it prints a scene excerpt.</p>\r\n<h3>Core cancelled sector</h3>\r\n<p>Photographies: Jérôme<br />\r\nEditing: Dereckson</p>\r\n<h2>Scenes</h2>\r\n<h3>Xen and Kaos</h3>\r\n<p>Scene composed from 2 wallpapers from Interfacelift, n° 587 and 781.</p>\r\n<h2>Future sources</h2>\r\n<h3>Fasticon</h3>\r\n<p>It''s possible in the future some http://www.fasticon.com/ icons are added.</p>\r\n<h4>Comic Tiger</h4>\r\n<p>(c) <a href="mailto:dirceu@fasticon.com">Dirceu Veiga</a> - FastIcon Studio.<br />\r\n<strong>License:</strong> All Icons on the Fast Icon "Download" page are are FREEWARE, but to use our Icons in your software, web site, in a theme or other project, <a href="mailto:contact@fasticon.com">you need our permission first</a>. You don''t need permission for personal use our Icons on your computer.</p>');
CREATE VIEW `content` AS select `cl`.`content_id` AS `content_id`,`cl`.`location_global` AS `location_global`,`cl`.`location_local` AS `location_local`,`cl`.`location_k` AS `location_k`,`cf`.`content_path` AS `content_path`,`cf`.`user_id` AS `user_id`,`cf`.`perso_id` AS `perso_id`,`cf`.`content_title` AS `content_title` from (`content_locations` `cl` join `content_files` `cf`) where (`cf`.`content_id` = `cl`.`content_id`);
select concat('B', `geo_bodies`.`body_code`) AS `location_code`, `geo_bodies`.`body_name` AS `location_name` from `geo_bodies`
select concat('B', `geo_places`.`body_code`, `geo_places`.`place_code`) AS `location_code`, `geo_places`.`place_name` AS `location_name` from `geo_places`
select concat('S',`ships`.`ship_id`) AS `location_code`, `ships`.`ship_name` AS `location_name` from `ships`;
CREATE VIEW `ships_sessions` AS select substr(`registry`.`registry_key`,19,5) AS `ship_id`,substr(`registry`.`registry_key`,25) AS `session_id`,`registry`.`registry_value` AS `perso_id`,unix_timestamp(`registry`.`registry_updated`) AS `session_updated` from `registry` where (left(`registry`.`registry_key`,17) = 'api.ship.session.');
CREATE VIEW geo_coordinates AS (SELECT body_name as object_name, body_status as object_type, body_location as object_location FROM geo_bodies)
(SELECT ship_name as object_name, 'ship' as object_type, location_global as object_location FROM ships WHERE LEFT(location_global, 3) = 'xyz') ORDER BY object_name