\hyperlink{common_8inc_8php}{common.inc.php} Common hotglue infrastructure
Copyright Gottfried Haider, Danja Vasiliev 2010. This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for more details. save a page in the cache
move an uploaded file to the shared directory of a page
this function reuses existing files when possible. \begin{Desc}
\item[{\em string}]\$fn filename of newly uploaded file (most likely in /tmp) \item[{\em string}]\$page page or pagename \item[{\em string}]\$orig\_\-fn the original filename on the client machine (optional) \item[{\em bool}]\&\$existed set to true if the filename returned did already exist before \end{description}
\item[Returns:]filename inside the shared directory or false in case of error \end{Desc}