diff --git a/includes/SmartLine/SmartLine.php b/includes/SmartLine/SmartLine.php index ff293d3..f63901d 100755 --- a/includes/SmartLine/SmartLine.php +++ b/includes/SmartLine/SmartLine.php @@ -1,541 +1,541 @@ * @copyright 2007 Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD * @version 0.1 * @link http://scherzo.dereckson.be/doc/zed * @link http://zed.dereckson.be/ * @link http://bitbucket.org/dereckson/smartline * @filesource /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SECTION I - INITIALIZATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Constants /** * The standard, regular output (like STDOUT on POSIX systems) */ if (!defined('STDOUT')) { define('STDOUT', 1, true); } /** * The error output (like STDERR on POSIX systems) */ if (!defined('STDERR')) { define('STDERR', -1, true); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SECTION Ibis - L10n /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Ensures $lang is a standard array if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang)) { $lang = []; } $lang = array_merge($lang, [ //Errors 'InvalidCommand' => "Invalid command %s. Use showcommands to show all commands.", 'RegisteredButNotExistingCommand' => "[CRITICAL ERROR] The command %s has correctly been registered but its method or class doesn't exist.", 'NotYetHelpForThiscommand' => "This command hasn't been documented yet.", //Help 'DefaultHelp' => "This SmartLine is a command line interface.

showcommands prints the list.
help <command> prints help for this command.", 'Help' => [ 'help' => "help <command> prints command help.", 'showcommands' => 'show available commands' ] ]); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SECTION II - HELPERS FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Error handler called during SmartLine command execution. * * Any error occurring during command execution will be set in STDERR. * * To get an array with all the errors: * $errors = $yourSmartLine->gets_all(STDERR) * * Or to prints all the error: * $yourSmartLine->prints_all(STDERR) * * Or to pops (gets and deletes) only the last error: * $lastError = $yourSmartLine->gets(STDERR) * * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.set-error-handler.php set_error_handler, PHP manual * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.examples.php Error handling examples, PHP manual * * @param int $level The PHP error level * @param string $error The error description * @param string $file The script where the error occurred * @param int $line The line where the error occurred */ function SmartLineHandler($level, $error, $file, $line) { switch ($level) { case E_NOTICE: $type = 'Notice'; break; - CASE E_WARNING: + case E_WARNING: $type = 'Warning'; break; - CASE E_ERROR: + case E_ERROR: $type = 'Error'; break; default: $type = "#$level"; } $_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][STDERR][] = "[PHP $type] $error in $file line $line."; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SECTION III - BASE CLASSES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //SmartLineCommand is a class implementing a SmartLine command. //If you want to create a more complex command, extends this class. /** * The SmartLine command base class. * * To add a command, create an instance of the class, like: * * class HelloWorldSmartLineCommand extends SmartLineCommand { * public function run ($argv, $argc) { * $this->SmartLine->puts('Hello World!'); * } * } * * * Then, registers your command: * * $yourSmartLine->register_object('hello', 'HelloWorldSmartLineCommand'); * * * @see SmartLine::register_object */ class SmartLineCommand { /** * Initializes a new instance of the SmartLine Command * * @param SmartLine $SmartLine the SmartLine the command belongs */ public function __construct ($SmartLine) { $this->SmartLine = $SmartLine; } /** * Gets the command help text or indicates help should be fetched from $lang array * * @return string|bool a string containing the command help or the bool value false, to enable the default behavior (ie prints $lang['help']['nameOfTheCommand']) */ public function help () { return false; } /** * Runs the command * * @param array $argv an array of string, each item a command argument * @param int $argc the number of arguments */ public function run ($argv, $argc) { } /** * The SmartLine where this instance of the command is registered * * @var SmartLine */ public $SmartLine; } /** * This class represents a SmartLine instance * * If you use only register_object, you can use it directly. * If you use register_method, extends this class in your SmartLine. */ class SmartLine { /** * Initializes a new instance of the SmartLine object. */ public function __construct () { //Assumes we've an empty array where store registered commands. $this->commands = []; //Let's register standard commands $this->register_object('showcommands', 'ShowCommandsSmartLineCommand'); $this->register_object('help', 'HelpSmartLineCommand'); } /** * Registers a private method as command. * * @param string $command The name of the command to register * @param string $method The method to register [OPTIONAL]. If omitted, the method registered will be the method having the same name as the command. * @param bool $useArgvArgc If true, indicates the method uses $argv, $argc as parameters. If false, indicates the method uses its parameters (default behavior). [OPTIONAL] * * @return bool true if the command have successfully been registered ; otherwise, false. */ public function register_method ($command, $method = null, $useArgvArgc = false) { if (is_null($function)) { $method = $command; } if (!method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->lastError = "Registration failed. Unknown method $method"; return false; } $className = ucfirst($method) . 'SmartLineCommand'; //If class exists, add a uniqid after function while (class_exists($method)) { $className = uniqid(ucfirst($method)) . 'SmartLineCommand'; } //Creates the class if ($useArgvArgc) { $call = "$this->SmartLine->$method(\$argv, \$argc);"; } else { //We don't know how many args we've, so we use call_user_func_array $call = "array_shift(\$argv); call_user_func_array( array(&\$this->SmartLine, '$method'), \$argv );"; } $code = "class $className extends SmartLineCommand { public function run (\$argv, \$argc) { $call } }"; eval($code); $this->register_object($command, $className); return true; } /** * Registers an object extending SmartLineCommand as command. * * @param string $command The name of the command to register * @param SmartLineCommand|string $object The object extending SmartLineCommand. This can be the name of the class (string) or an instance already initialized of the object (SmartLineCommand). * @return bool true if the command have successfully been registered ; otherwise, false. */ public function register_object ($command, $object) { if (is_object($object)) { //Sets SmartLine property $object->SmartLine = $this; } elseif (is_string($object) && class_exists($object)) { //Creates a new instance of $object $object = new $object($this); } else { $this->lastError = "Registration failed. register_object second parameter must be a class name (string) or an already initialized instance of such class (object) and not a " . gettype($object); return false; } if (!$this->caseSensitive) { $command = strtolower($command); } $this->commands[$command] = $object; return true; } /** * Determines whether the specified command have been registered. * * @param string $command The name of the command to check * @return true if the specified command have been registered ; otherwise, false. */ public function isRegistered ($command) { if (!$this->caseSensitive) { $command = strtolower($command); } return array_key_exists($command, $this->commands); } /** * Executes the specified expression. * * If an error occurs during the command execution: * the STDERR output will contains the errors, * the value returned by this methods will be false. * * To execute the command and prints error: * * $fooSmartLine = new SmartLine(); * //... * $result = $fooSmartLine->execute($expression); * $fooSmartLine->prints_all(); * if (!$result) { * //Errors! * echo "


"; * $fooSmartLine->prints_all(STDERR); * } *
* * @param string $expression The expression containing the command to execute * @return bool true if the command have been successfully executed ; otherwise, false. */ public function execute ($expression) { //Does nothing if blank line if (!$expression) { return; } //Prepares $argv and $argc $argv = $this->expression2argv($expression); $argc = count($argv); //Gets command $command = $this->caseSensitive ? $argv[0] : strtolower($argv[0]); //If command doesn't exist, throws an error if (!array_key_exists($command, $this->commands)) { global $lang; $this->puts(sprintf($lang['InvalidCommand'], $command), STDERR); return false; } //Executes command, intercepting error and returns result set_error_handler("SmartLineHandler"); try { $result = $this->commands[$command]->run($argv, $argc); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->puts("
", STDERR); } restore_error_handler(); return $result; } /** * Adds a message to the specified output queue. * * @param string $message the message to queue * @param int $output The output queue (common values are STDERR and STDOUT constants). It's an optional parameter ; if omitted, the default value will be STDOUT. */ public function puts ($message, $output = STDOUT) { // $_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output][] = $message; } /** * Truncates the specified output queue. * * @param int $output The output queue (common values are STDERR and STDOUT constants). It's an optional parameter ; if omitted, the default value will be STDOUT. */ public function truncate ($output = STDOUT) { unset($_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output]); } /** * Pops (gets and clears) the first message from the specified output queue. * * @param int $output The output queue (common values are STDERR and STDOUT constants). It's an optional parameter ; if omitted, the default value will be STDOUT. * @return string the message */ public function gets ($output = STDOUT) { if (count($_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output] > 0)) { return array_pop($_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output]); } } /** * Gets the number of messages in the specified output queue. * * @param int $output The output queue (common values are STDERR and STDOUT constants). It's an optional parameter ; if omitted, the default value will be STDOUT. */ public function count ($output = STDOUT) { return count($_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output]); } /** * Gets all the message from the specified output queue. * * @param int $output The output queue (common values are STDERR and STDOUT constants). It's an optional parameter ; if omitted, the default value will be STDOUT. * @param string $prefix The string to prepend each message with. It's an optional parameter ; if omitted, '

'. * @param string $suffix The string to append each message with. It's an optional parameter ; if omitted, '

'. * @return Array an array of string, each item a message from the specified output queue */ public function gets_all ($output = STDOUT, $prefix = '

', $suffix = '

') { $count = count($_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output]); if ($count == 0) { return; } for ($i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i++) { $buffer .= $prefix . $_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output][$i] . $suffix; } unset ($_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output]); return $buffer; } /** * Prints all the message from the specified output queue. * * @param int $output The output queue (common values are STDERR and STDOUT constants). It's an optional parameter ; if omitted, the default value will be STDOUT. * @param string $prefix The string to prepend each message with. It's an optional parameter ; if omitted, '

'. * @param string $suffix The string to append each message with. It's an optional parameter ; if omitted, '

'. */ public function prints_all ($output = STDOUT, $prefix = '

', $suffix = '

') { $count = count($_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output]); if ($count == 0) { return; } for ($i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i++) { echo $prefix, $_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output][$i], $suffix; } unset ($_SESSION['SmartLineOutput'][$output]); } /** * Gets the command help * * @param string $command The command to get help from * @param string The command help */ public function gethelp ($command) { return $this->commands[$command]->help(); } /** * Gets an an argv array from the specified expression * * @param string $expression The expression to transform into a argv array * @return Array An array of string, the first item the command, the others those arguments. */ private function expression2argv ($expression) { //Checks if expression contains " $pos1 = strpos($expression, '"'); //We isolate "subexpression" if ($pos1 !== false) { $pos2 = $pos1; do { $pos2 = strpos($expression, '"', $pos2 + 1); } while ($pos2 !== false && ($expression[$pos2 - 1] == "\\" && $expression[$pos2 - 2] != "\\")); if ($pos2 === false) { //If final quote is missing, throws a warning and autoadds it. $this->puts("[Warning] Final \" missing in $expression.", STDERR); $argv = $this->expression2argv(substr($expression, 0, $pos1)); $argv[] = substr($expression, $pos1 + 1); return $argv; } return array_merge( $this->expression2argv(substr($expression, 0, $pos1)), [substr($expression, $pos1 + 1, $pos2 - $pos1 - 1)], $this->expression2argv(substr($expression, $pos2 + 1)) ); } //Standard expression (ie without ") $argv = []; $items = explode(' ', $expression); foreach ($items as $item) { $item = trim($item); if (!$item) { //blank, we ignore continue; } $argv[] = $item; } return $argv; } //Contains last error public $lastError = ''; //If true, command isn't equal to Command public $caseSensitive = true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SECTION IV - STANDARD COMMANDS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * These commands are available in all default smartlines instance */ /** * The standard command "showcommands" * * This command returns a list, with all the available commands */ class ShowCommandsSmartLineCommand extends SmartLineCommand { /** * Runs the command * * @param array $argv an array of string, each item a command argument * @param int $argc the number of arguments */ public function run ($argv, $argc) { $commands = array_keys($this->SmartLine->commands); sort($commands); $this->SmartLine->puts(implode(' ', $commands)); } } /** * The standard command "help" * * This command prints command help. * * Help could be defined * in the command classes, as a return value from the help method ; * in the $lang['Help'] array, at the command key (e.g. $lang['Help']['quux'] for the quux command). */ class HelpSmartLineCommand extends SmartLineCommand { /** * Runs the command * * @param array $argv an array of string, each item a command argument * @param int $argc the number of arguments */ public function run ($argv, $argc) { global $lang; if ($argc == 1) { $this->SmartLine->puts($lang['DefaultHelp']); } elseif (!$this->SmartLine->isRegistered($argv[1])) { $this->SmartLine->puts(sprintf($lang['InvalidCommand'], str_replace(' ', ' ', $argv[1])), STDERR); } else { $command = strtolower($argv[1]); if (!$help = $this->SmartLine->gethelp($command)) { if (array_key_exists($command, $lang['Help'])) { $help = $lang['Help'][$command]; } else { $help = $lang['NotYetHelpForThiscommand']; } } $this->SmartLine->puts($help); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////