diff --git a/dev/quux.php b/dev/quux.php index b04a220..9d55faa 100644 --- a/dev/quux.php +++ b/dev/quux.php @@ -1,162 +1,163 @@ assign('PAGE_TITLE', "Quux [$case]"); + include('controllers/header.php'); + switch ($case) { case 'YubiCloud': require_once('Auth/Yubico.php'); echo '


'; if (!array_key_exists('YubiCloud', $Config)) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "YubiCloud authentication not configured. Add \$Config['YubiCloud']['ClientID'] and \$Config['YubiCloud']['SecretKey'] to your config."); } if (!$key = $_GET['OTP']) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Please add in URL ?OTP=, then put your cursor at right of the = and press your YubiKey button"); } $yubi = new Auth_Yubico($Config['YubiCloud']['ClientID'], $Config['YubiCloud']['SecretKey']); if (!$data = $yubi->parsePasswordOTP($key)) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "This is not an YubiKey OTP."); } $prefix = $data['prefix']; $auth = $yubi->verify($key); if (@PEAR::isError($auth)) { if ($auth->getMessage() == 'REPLAYED_OTP') { message_die("This OTP has already been used."); } message_die(HACK_ERROR, "

Authentication failed: " . $auth->getMessage() . "

Debug: " . $yubi->getLastResponse() . "

"); } else { print "

You are authenticated!

"; } break; case 'PointPolarZ': echo "


"; $point = PointPolarZ::fromString("(48, 30°, 3)"); printf("Secteur T%dC%d", $point->getSection(), $point->z); dprint_r($point); break; case 'index_scenes': $time[] = microtime(); require_once('includes/geo/scene.php'); require_once('includes/geo/sceneindex.php'); $cache = Cache::load(); if ($index = $cache->get('GeoSceneIndex')) { $index = unserialize($index); } else { $index = GeoSceneIndex::Load(SCENE_DIR); $cache->set('GeoSceneIndex', serialize($index)); } $time[] = microtime(); echo '


'; dprint_r($index); echo '

Time (ms)

'; dprint_r(1000 * ($time[1] - $time[0])); dprint_r($time); break; case 'travel': require_once('includes/travel/travel.php'); $travel = Travel::load(); dieprint_r($travel); break; case 'spherical': require_once('includes/geo/galaxy.php'); echo '

Spherical coordinates test

'; echo ''; echo ""; $objects = GeoGalaxy::getCoordinates(); foreach ($objects as $row) { echo ""; $pt = $row[2]; echo ''; echo ''; $pt->translate(500, 300, 200, 2); echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
NameTypeCartesian coordsSpherical ISpherical IIPencil coordinates
$row[0]$row[1]$row[2](', implode(', ', $pt->toSpherical()), ')(', implode(', ', $pt->toSphericalAlternative()), ')', $pt, '
'; break; case 'travel': require_once('includes/travel/travel.php'); require_once('includes/travel/place.php'); $cache = Cache::load(); $travel = $cache->get('zed_travel'); if ($travel == '') { $travel_nocached = new Travel(); $travel_nocached->load_xml("content/travel.xml"); $cache->set('zed_travel', serialize($travel_nocached)); } else { $travel = unserialize($travel); } dieprint_r($travel); break; case 'perso.create.notify': $testperso = Perso::get(4733); $message = new Message(); $message->from = 0; $message->to = invite::who_invited(4733); $url = get_server_url() . get_url('who', $testperso->nickname); $message->text = sprintf(lang_get('InvitePersoCreated'), $testperso->name, $url); $message->send(); dieprint_r($message); break; case 'pushdata'; echo '


'; break; case 'thumbnail': $content = new Content(1); dprint_r($content); $content->generate_thumbnail(); break; case 'port': echo '

Port::from_location test

'; $locations = array("B00002", "B00002123", "B00001001", "xyz: [800, 42, 220]"); foreach ($locations as $location) { dprint_r(Port::from_location($location)); } break; case 'ext': $file = 'dev/foo.tar'; echo "


"; echo "


"; echo preg_match('/\.tar\.bz2$/', $file); echo "


"; echo preg_match('/\.tar$/', $file); break; case 'app': echo Application::from_api_key("37d839ba-f9fc-42ca-a3e8-28053e979b90")->generate_userkey(); break; case '': dieprint_r("No case currently selected."); break; } include('controllers/footer.php'); diff --git a/skins/zed/header.tpl b/skins/zed/header.tpl index 57a1126..dddd6da 100644 --- a/skins/zed/header.tpl +++ b/skins/zed/header.tpl @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ - {$PAGE_TITLE} - {#SiteTitle#} + {if isset($PAGE_TITLE)}{$PAGE_TITLE} - {/if}{#SiteTitle#} {foreach from=$PAGE_CSS item=css} {/foreach} {foreach from=$PAGE_JS item=js} {/foreach} {if $DOJO} {if isset($DIJIT)} {/if} {/if}
{if isset($WAP)}
{/if} {if isset($NOTIFY)}
{/if} {if isset($SmartLine_STDOUT) || isset($SmartLine_STDERR)} {include file="smartline_results.tpl"} {/if}