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diff --git a/controllers/anonymous.php b/controllers/anonymous.php
index c5cda33..d9f690d 100644
--- a/controllers/anonymous.php
+++ b/controllers/anonymous.php
@@ -1,156 +1,164 @@
* Content for anonymous users
* Zed. The immensity of stars. The HyperShip. The people.
* (c) 2010, Dereckson, some rights reserved.
* Released under BSD license.
* This controller handles the pages for not logged in users.
* It recognizes the following URLs:
* /tour a redirect to tour.html file, a visite guidée from Zed ;
* /invite the page to claim the invites.
* In all other cases, it prints the login form.
* @package Zed
* @subpackage Controllers
* @author Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson <>
* @copyright 2010 Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson
* @license BSD
* @version 0.1
* @link
* @link
* @filesource
use Keruald\OmniTools\Identifiers\Random;
// Prepares the page
switch ($url[0]) {
case 'tour':
//The user have forgotten .html, let's redirect him
header('Location: ' . $Config['StaticContentURL'] . '/tour.html');
case 'invite':
//Invite form
if ($_POST['form'] == 'account.create') {
//User tries to claim its invite to create an account
//Gets invite
$invite = new Invite($_POST['invite_code']);
if ($invite->lastError != '') {
//Not existing invite.
$smarty->assign('NOTIFY', lang_get("IncorrectInviteCode"));
} elseif ($invite->is_claimed()) {
//The invitation have already claimed by someone else.
$smarty->assign('NOTIFY', lang_get("InviteCodeAlreadyClaimed"));
} else {
//Checks if the given information is correct
//We ignore bad mails. All we really need is a login and a pass.
//We fill our array $errors with all the errors
$errors = [];
if (!$_POST['username']) {
$errors[] = lang_get('MissingUsername');
} elseif (!User::is_available_login($_POST['username'])) {
$errors[] = lang_get('LoginUnavailable');
if (User::get_username_from_email($_POST['email']) !== false) {
$errors[] = "There is already an account with this e-mail.";
if (!$_POST['passwd']) {
$errors[] = lang_get('MissingPassword');
if (count($errors)) {
$smarty->assign('WAP', join('<br />', $errors));
} else {
//Creates account
$user = new User();
$user->regdate = time();
$user->name = $_POST['username'];
$user->active = 1;
$user->email = $_POST['email'];
//Updates invite
$invite->to_user_id = $user->id;
//Notifies host
$message = new Message();
$message->from = 0;
$message->to = $invite->from_perso_id;
$message->text = sprintf(lang_get('InviteHaveBeenClaimed'), $invite->code);
//Logs in user
login($user->id, $user->name);
//Prints confirm message
$smarty->assign('WAP', lang_get("AccountCreated"));
//Redirects users to homepage
header('refresh: 5; url=' . get_url());
//Calls void controller
$smarty->assign('screen', 'user.create');
define('NO_FOOTER_EXTRA', true);
//Keeps username, email, invite code printed on account create form
$smarty->assign('username', $_POST['username']);
$smarty->assign('invite_code', $_POST['invite_code']);
$smarty->assign('email', $_POST['email']);
//If the invite code is specified, checks format
- if ($url[1]) {
+ //If the form has already been posted with an invite code, it doesn't matter anymore.
+ if ($url[1] && !isset($_POST['invite_code'])) {
if (preg_match("/^([A-Z]){3}([0-9]){3}$/i", $url[1])) {
- $smarty->assign('invite_code', strtoupper($url[1]));
+ $invite = new Invite($url[1]);
+ if ($invite->lastError != '') {
+ //Not existing invite.
+ $smarty->assign('NOTIFY', lang_get("IncorrectInviteCode"));
+ } else {
+ $smarty->assign('invite_code', strtoupper($url[1]));
+ }
} else {
- $smarty->assign('NOTIFY', lang_get("IncorrectInviteCode"));
+ $smarty->assign('NOTIFY', lang_get("IncorrectInviteCodeFormat"));
$template = 'account_create.tpl';
//Invite code for code comment
$code = Random::generateString("AAA111");
$smarty->assign('code', $code);
//Login form
$smarty->assign('username', $_COOKIE['LastUsername'] ?? "");
$smarty->assign('OpenID', $_COOKIE['LastOpenID'] ?? "");
$smarty->assign('LoginError', $loginError ?? "");
$template = 'login.tpl';
// HTML output
if ($template) {
diff --git a/lang/en/core.conf b/lang/en/core.conf
index 6524106..a0b7de3 100644
--- a/lang/en/core.conf
+++ b/lang/en/core.conf
@@ -1,195 +1,196 @@
#Zed language config file
#Language: English
#Code: en
#Author: Dereckson
### Site configuration
SiteTitle = Zed
Product = "<strong>Zed 0.1</strong>, alpha technical preview"
### General stuff
_t = ":"
Save = Save
### Login
Login = Login
Password = Password
LoginNotFound = Login not found.
IncorrectPassword = Incorrect password.
JaMata = Ja mata!
WelcomeBack = Welcome back.
OpenID = OpenID
Logout = Logout
### Errors
UnauthorizedAccess = "Unauthorized access"
SQLError = "SQL Error"
line = line
Error = Error
BackToHome = "Back to homepage"
URLError = URL error
GeneralError = General error
PageNotFound = "Page not found"
#Keep those two lines in English, to help to identify error screens in any lang
FatalErrorScreen = Fatal error screen
FatalErrorInterrupt = Fatal error breaking screen
### Homepage
Welcome = Welcome
WelcomeText = "<p>Welcome to the Zed alpha technical preview. Zed, it's a mix between a gallery, a place to meet new and existing friends, with some RPG inspiration.<br />
The concept is to have each information stored at physical places in a virtual world, like the 80s cyberspace vision. Another goal is to build a community sharing values like cooperation, freedom, ethic.</p>"
### Homepage - messages
#NOTIFY if new messages
NewMessages = "You've got %d new message%s"
#messages.tpl, Reply
Reply = Reply
#messages.tpl, the X link title
DeleteThisMessage = Delete this message
#messages.tpl, the expression identifying a message sent by the site itself
SystemNotice = System Notice
#home.php, messages error
MessageDeleted = Message deleted.
NotYourMessage = This message is not one of yours.
MessageAlreadyDeleted = Message already deleted.
### Account create
CreateAccountTitle = Create an account
CreateAccountIntro = "<p>Welcome to Zed.<br />To get an account, you need an invite code. To get an invite code, ask who tell you about Zed.</p>"
YourLogin = The login you want
InviteCode = Your invite code
YourEmail = Your e-mail
EnterInviteCodePromptMessage = "Your invite code is something like ABC123."
EnterUsernamePromptMessage = "Enter your username, in lowercase (11 characters max.).<br />It's your usual username, not your character name."
EnterEmailPromptMessage = "Enter your e-mail. It will used (1) as password recovery method (2) to send you notification of new messages or events you've configured.<br />We don't like spam, so we take all the measures to protect your mail."
-IncorrectInviteCode = "Your invite code's format isn't valid. It's something like ABC123."
+IncorrectInviteCode = "Your invite code isn't valid."
+IncorrectInviteCodeFormat = "Your invite code's format isn't valid. It's something like ABC123."
InviteCodeAlreadyClaimed = "This invite code were valid. But it have already been claimed."
CreateAccountImageTitle = "Zed is for human being. But it's also for people defining themselves like other beings than humans."
CreateAccountImageAlt = "A strange-looking white picture. An half circle from top right to bottom right, then the brush come back in spirale to create a big white spot. Some brushes effects add fringes at start and end. Grayscale spots have been added in main circle."
MissingUsername = "You need to provide a login."
LoginUnavailable = "This login is already taken."
MissingPassword = "You need to provide a password."
InviteHaveBeenClaimed = "Your invite %s have just been claimed."
AccountCreated = "Your account is created. Welcome to Zed."
### Perso create/select
NewCharacterCreated = New character created
CreateCharacter = Create a character
EditCharacter = Edit %s information
FullName = Full name
Nickname = Nickname
Sex = Sex
Male = Male
Female = Female
Neutral = Neutral
Hermaphrodit = Hermaphrodit
Race = Race
NoSexSpecified = "Pick a sex, or '<em>Neutral</em>' if you don't want to tell it."
NoNicknameSpecified = "You must pick a nickname, it's like your login to identify your character."
NoFullnameSpecified = "All beings must have a name."
NoRaceSpecified = "You've to specify a race: '<em>humanoid</em>' for human and co.<br />If you don't want to specify a race, use the generic '<em>being</em>'."
UnavailableNickname = "This nickname is already used.<br />Choose a more original one."
PickPerso = Pick your perso
SwapPerso = "Swap perso (%s's logout)"
NewLocationNotify = "You're slowly awaking in a place you don't recognize."
InvitePersoCreated = "Good news! %s you invited is in our galaxy.
### Places
CurrentLocation = "Current location"
UnknownBody = "Unknown asteroid"
UnknownPlace = "Unknown place"
WherePlace = "%s @ %s"
SpaceAround = "Space around %s"
hypership = hypership
asteroid = asteroid
moon = moon
planet = planet
star = star
orbital = orbital
place = place
ship = ship
### Stories
InvalidStoryGUID = "In story mode, you can't use previous/back URL."
ExpiredStorySession = "Story choices URL are temporary.<br />You can't bookmark them or use in another session."
### Requests
Communicator = Communicator
SendRequestToHyperShip = Send a request to the hypership
Request = Request
Title = Title
Message = Message
Warning = "Warning:"
RequestHandledByHumans = Your request will be sent to and handled by humans.
Send = Send
RequestSent = Your request have been sent.
### MOTD
PushMessage = Push a message to the header
TextToAdd = Text to add
TextToAddWarning = Warning: once published, it can't be (easily) removed.
Rendering = How it will be printed?
RenderingWhere = "At the top right header corner:"
DummyPlaceholder = Here your message.
Push = Push
Published = Published :)
\ No newline at end of file

File Metadata

Mime Type
Nov 11 2024, 10:09 (14 w, 22 h ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(12 KB)

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