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diff --git a/includes/geo/galaxy.php b/includes/geo/galaxy.php
index 724fc7f..dd6c1b4 100755
--- a/includes/geo/galaxy.php
+++ b/includes/geo/galaxy.php
@@ -1,119 +1,119 @@
* Geo galaxy class.
* Zed. The immensity of stars. The HyperShip. The people.
* (c) 2010, Dereckson, some rights reserved.
* Released under BSD license.
* A 3D grid of objects
* 0.1 2010-02-08 14:02 Initial version [DcK]
* 0.2 2010-07-25 9:20 Spherical conversion, get objects
* @package Zed
* @subpackage Geo
* @author Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson <>
* @copyright 2010 Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson
* @license BSD
* @version 0.1
* @link
* @link
* @filesource
* Geo galaxy class
* This class provides methods to convert coordinate polars.
* @todo create a unit testing file dev/tests/GeoGalaxyTest.php
- * @todo add unit testing for the normalize_angle method in dev/tests/GeoGalaxyTest.php
+ * @todo add unit testing for the normalizeAngle method in dev/tests/GeoGalaxyTest.php
class GeoGalaxy {
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Objects fetchers
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Gets all the coordinates of the objects in the galaxy.
* @return array An array of array. Each item is [string object_name, string object_type, GeoPoint3D coordinates]
static function getCoordinates () {
global $db;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM geo_coordinates";
if (!$result = $db->sql_query($sql)) message_die(SQL_ERROR, "Can't query geo_coordinates view.", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$objects = array();
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
//Demios ship xyz: [-50, 30, 40]
//Kaos asteroid xyz: [150, -129, 10]
$objects[] = array($row[0], $row[1], GeoPoint3D::fromString($row[2]));
return $objects;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Helper methods - math
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Normalizes an angle, so 0 =< angle < 2 PI
* @param float $angle angle in radians (use deg2rad() if you've degrees)
* @return an angle in the 0 =< angle < 2 PI interval
- static function normalize_angle ($angle) {
+ static function normalizeAngle ($angle) {
while ($angle < 0) {
$angle += 2 * M_PI;
while ($angle >= 2 * M_PI) {
$angle -= 2 * M_PI;
return $angle;
* Converts (x, y, z) cartesian to (ρ, φ, θ) spherical coordinates
* The algo used is from
* @param int $x the x coordinate
* @param int $y the y coordinate
* @param int $z the z coordinate
* @return array an array of 3 floats number, representing the (ρ, φ, θ) spherical coordinates
static function cartesian_to_spherical ($x, $y, $z) {
$rho = sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y + $z * $z); //ρ = sqrt(x² + y² + z²)
$theta= acos($z / $rho); //φ = acos z/φ
$phi = acos($x / sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y)); //θ = acos x / sqrt(x² + y²)
if (y < 0) $phi = 2 * M_PI - $phi; //∀ y < 0 θ = 2π - θ
return array(round($rho, 2), round(rad2deg($theta), 2), round(rad2deg($phi), 2));
* Converts (x, y, z) cartesian to (ρ, φ, θ) spherical coordinates
* The algo used is from
* @param int $x the x coordinate
* @param int $y the y coordinate
* @param int $z the z coordinate
* @return array an array of 3 floats number, representing the (ρ, φ, θ) spherical coordinates
static function cartesian_to_spherical2 ($x, $y, $z) {
$rho = sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y + $z * $z); //ρ = sqrt(x² + y² + z²)
$theta= atan2($y, $x); //φ = atan2 $y $x
$phi = acos($z / $rho); //θ = acos z/φ
return array(round($rho, 2), round(rad2deg($theta), 2), round(rad2deg($phi), 2));
diff --git a/includes/geo/pointPolarZ.php b/includes/geo/pointPolarZ.php
index 45513ab..a7c482a 100755
--- a/includes/geo/pointPolarZ.php
+++ b/includes/geo/pointPolarZ.php
@@ -1,374 +1,374 @@
* Geo point polar+z class.
* Zed. The immensity of stars. The HyperShip. The people.
* (c) 2010, Dereckson, some rights reserved.
* Released under BSD license.
* @package Zed
* @subpackage Geo
* @author Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson <>
* @copyright 2010 Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson
* @license BSD
* @version 0.1
* @link
* @link
* @filesource
* Geo point polar+z class.
* This class represents a r, ρ, z point.
* They are useful to express coordinates in a cylinder shape, like a tower
* where it make senses to use polar coordinates instead x, y but where the
* height is not relative to a center, like it would be in a sphere.
* It implements IteratorAggregate to allow the foreach instruction
* on a GeoPointPolarZ object:
* <code>
* $point = new GeoPointPolarZ(17, '24°', -6);
* foreach ($point as $axis => $coordinate) {
* echo "\n\t$axis = $coordinate";
* }
* //This will output:
* // r = 17
* // t = 24°
* // z = -6
* </code>
* The point 3D representation is rtz: [ρ, θ, z] ; you can print it as a string
* and get this format:
* <code>
* $point = new GeoPointPolarZ(17, '24°', -6);
* echo (string)$point; //will output rρz: [17, 24°, -6]
* </code>
class GeoPointPolarZ implements IteratorAggregate {
// ρ, θ, z public properties
* the ρ coordinate
* @var float
public $r;
* the θ coordinate
* This coordinate could be expressed as:
* - a string with a float, appended by "°" or " °" (in degree)
* - as a float (in radian)
* @var mixed
public $t;
* the z coordinate
* @var float
public $z;
// constructor / toString
* Initializes a new instance of GeoPointPolarZ class
* @param float $r the ρ coordinate
* @param mixed $t the θ coordinate, in ° (string) or radian (float)
* @param float $z the z coordinate
function __construct ($r, $t, $z) {
$this->r = (float)$r;
$this->t = trim($t);
$this->z = (float)$z;
* Parses a string expression ang gets a GeoPointPolarZ object
* Formats recognized are:
* - rtz: [ρ, θ, z]
* - (ρ, θ, z)
* @param string $expression the expression to parse
* @return GeoPointPolarZ If the specified expression could be parsed, a GeoPointPolarZ instance ; otherwise, null.
static function fromString ($expression) {
if (string_starts_with($expression, 'rtz:', false)) {
$pos1 = strpos($expression, '[', 4) + 1;
$pos2 = strpos($expression, ']', $pos1);
if ($pos1 > -1 && $pos2 > -1) {
$expression = substr($expression, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1);
$rtz = explode(',', $expression, 3);
return new GeoPointPolarZ($rtz[0], $rtz[1], $rtz[2]);
} elseif ($expression[0] = '(') {
$expression = substr($expression, 1, -1);
$rtz = explode(',', $expression, 3);
return new GeoPointPolarZ($rtz[0], $rtz[1], $rtz[2]);
return null;
* Returns a string representation of the point coordinates.
* @param $format the format to use
* @return string a string representation of the coordinates
* To print a "rtz: [10, 20°, 40]" string:
* $point = new GeoPointPolarZ(10, '20°', 40);
* echo $point->sprintf("rtz: [%d, %s, %d]");
* //Of course, you could have (implicitely) use the __toString method:
* echo $point;
* To print a (10, 20°, 40) string:
* $point = new GeoPointPolarZ(10, 20°, 40);
* echo $point->sprintf("(%d, %s, %d)");
function sprintf ($format) {
return sprintf($format, $this->r, self::get_degrees($this->t), $this->z);
* Returns a rρz: [r, ρ, z] string representation of the point coordinates.
* @return string a rtz: [ρ, θ, z] string representation of the coordinates
function __toString () {
return $this->sprintf("rtz: [%d, %s, %d]");
* Determines if this point is equal to the specified point.
* @param GeoPointPolarZ $point The point to compare
* @return bool true if the two points are equal ; otherwise, false.
function equals ($point) {
return ($this->r == $point->r) && self::angle_equals($this->t, $point->t) && ($this->z == $point->z);
* Detemrines if two angles are equal
* @param mixed $angle1 the first angle value, ie a float (angle in radian) or a string formed by an integed appended by ° (degrees)
* @param mixed $angle2 the second angle value, a float (angle in radian) or a string formed by an integed appended by ° (degrees)
* @return bool true if the angles are equal ; otherwise, false.
static function angle_equals ($angle1, $angle2) {
if ($angle1 === $angle2) return true;
if (!is_numerical($angle1)) {
$angle1 = deg2rad((float)$angle1);
if (!is_numerical($angle2)) {
$angle2 = deg2rad((float)$angle2);
- $angle1 = self::normalize_angle($angle1);
- $angle2 = self::normalize_angle($angle2);
+ $angle1 = self::normalizeAngle($angle1);
+ $angle2 = self::normalizeAngle($angle2);
return ($angle1 == $angle2);
* Normalizes an angle (in radians) in the interval [0, π[ (or a custom interval)
* @param float $angle the angle (in radians)
* @param float $min the radians value the angle must be greater or equal than [optional, default value: 0]
* @param float $max the radains value the angle must be stricly lesser than [optional, default value: M_PI]
* @param float $interval the increment interval [optional, default value: 360]
- static function normalize_angle ($angle, $min = 0, $max = M_PI, $interval = M_PI) {
+ static function normalizeAngle ($angle, $min = 0, $max = M_PI, $interval = M_PI) {
while ($angle < $min) {
$angle += $interval;
while ($angle >= $max) {
$angle -= $interval;
return $angle;
* Normalizes an angle (in degrees) in the interval [0, 360[ (or a custom interval)
* @param float $angle the angle to normalize, in degrees
* @param float $min the degrees value the angle must be greater or equal than [optional, default value: 0]
* @param float $max the degrees value the angle must be stricly lesser than [optional, default value: 360]
* @param float $interval the increment interval [optional, default value: 360]
- static function normalize_angle_deg ($angle, $min = 0, $max = 360, $interval = 360) {
+ static function normalizeAngleInDegrees ($angle, $min = 0, $max = 360, $interval = 360) {
while ($angle < $min) {
$angle += $interval;
while ($angle >= $max) {
$angle -= $interval;
return $angle;
* Gets the specified angle in radians
* @param mixed $angle the angle, a float in radians or a string (a float + "°" or " °" in degrees
* @return float the angle in radians
static function get_radians ($angle) {
return is_numeric($angle) ? $angle : deg2rad((float)$angle);
* Gets the specified angle in degrees
* @param mixed $angle the angle, a float in radians or a string (a float + "°" or " °" in degrees
* @return string the angle (float) in degrees followed by "°"
static function get_degrees ($angle) {
return is_numeric($angle) ? rad2deg((float)$angle) . '°' : $angle;
* Converts a polar coordinate angle to a 0-360° CW angle
static function get_natural_degrees ($angle) {
- return self::normalize_angle_deg(90 - self::get_degrees($angle));
+ return self::normalizeAngleinDegrees(90 - self::get_degrees($angle));
// Math
* Gets the (x, y, z) cartesian coordinates from the current ρ, θ, z polar+z point
* @return array an array of 3 floats number, representing the (x, y, z) cartesian coordinates
function to_cartesian () {
$x = $this->r * cos(self::get_radians($this->t));
$y = $this->r * sin(self::get_radians($this->t));
return array($x, $y, $this->z);
* Converts the current GeoPointPolarZ instance to a GeoPoint3D instance
* @return GeoPoint3D an instance of the GeoPoint3D class representing the (x, y, z) cartesian coordinates
function to_Point3D () {
$pt = $this->to_cartesian();
return new GeoPoint3D($pt[0], $pt[1], $pt[2]);
* Gets the (ρ, φ, θ) spherical coordinates from the current (ρ, θ, z) polar+z point
* The algo used is from
* @return array an array of 3 floats number, representing the (ρ, φ, θ) spherical coordinates
function to_spherical () {
$pt = $this->to_cartesian();
return GeoGalaxy::cartesian_to_spherical($pt[0], $pt[1], $pt[2]);
* Gets the (ρ, φ, θ) spherical coordinates from the current (ρ, θ, z) polar+z point
* The algo used is from
* @return array an array of 3 floats number, representing the (ρ, φ, θ) spherical coordinates
function to_spherical2 () {
$pt = $this->to_cartesian();
return GeoGalaxy::cartesian_to_spherical2($pt[0], $pt[1], $pt[2]);
* Translates the center and rescales.
* This method allow to help to represent coordinate in a new system
* This method is used to represent Zed objects in dojo with the following
* parameters:
* <code>
* $pointKaos = GeoPointPolarZ(800, 42, 220);
* $pointKaos->translate(500, 300, 200, 2);
* echo $pointKaos;
* //This will output rρz: [150, -129, 10]
* </code>
* @param float $dr the difference between the old ρ and new ρ (ie the value of ρ = 0 in the new system)
* @param float $dt the difference between the old θ and new θ (ie the value of θ = 0 in the new system)
* @param float $dz the difference between the old y and new z (ie the value of z = 0 in the new system)
* @param int $scale if specified, divides each coordinate by this value (optional)
function translate ($dr, $dt, $dz, $scale = 1) {
if ($scale == 1) {
$this->r += $dr;
$this->t += $dt;
$this->z += $dz;
} elseif ($scale == 0) {
$this->r = 0;
$this->t = 0;
$this->z = 0;
} else {
$this->r = $this->r * $scale + $dr;
$this->t = $this->t * $scale + $dt;
$this->z = $this->z * $scale + $dz;
* Calculates the section number the specified angle belongs
* @param $angle float The natural angle in degree (North 0°, East 90°, etc. clockwise)
* @param int $count the number of sections (default value: 6)
* @return $int the section number
static function calculate_section ($angle, $count = 6) {
if ($angle < 90) {
$angle += 270;
} else {
$angle -= 90;
return 1 + (int)($angle / (360/$count));
* Gets the section number the θ angle belongs to.
* @param int $count the number of sections
* @return $int the section number
function get_section ($count = 6) {
return self::calculate_section(self::get_natural_degrees($this->t), $count);
// Implementing IteratorAggregate
* Retrieves class iterator. It traverses ρ, θ and z.
* @return Traversable the iterator
function getIterator () {
return new ArrayIterator($this);

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