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diff --git a/includes/error.php b/includes/error.php
index 14fc371..720a569 100755
--- a/includes/error.php
+++ b/includes/error.php
@@ -1,258 +1,196 @@
* Error handler
* Zed. The immensity of stars. The HyperShip. The people.
* (c) 2010, Dereckson, some rights reserved.
* Released under BSD license.
* This error handler uses the same idea and message_die methode signature
* of the phpBB 2 one.
* @package Zed
* @subpackage Keruald
* @author Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson <>
* @copyright 2010 Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson
* @license BSD
* @version 0.1
* @link
* @link
* @filesource
* @todo delete old_message_die method and write alternative HTML textual output
* in the message_die method
/// Error constants
* SQL_ERROR is the constant meaning the error is a SQL error.
* As a message_die function parameter, it allows to add SQL specific debug information.
define ("SQL_ERROR", 65);
* HACK_ERROR is the constant meaning access is non authorized to the resource.
* It encompasses two problematics:
* the URL points to a resource belonging to another user or for the current user have no access right (for malformed URL, pick instead GENERAL_ERROR) ;
* the user is anonymous, instead to be logged in.
* A suggested way to handle the second problematic is to store in hidden input
* fields or better in the session the previous form data, and to print a login
* form.
* If you implement this, you don't even need to distinguishes between the two
* cases, as once logged in, the regular HACK_ERROR could also be printed.
define ("HACK_ERROR", 99);
* GENERAL_ERROR is the constant meaning the error is general, ie not covered by
* another more specific error constant.
define ("GENERAL_ERROR", 117);
/// Error helper functions
* Output a general error, with human-readable information about the specified
* expression as error message ; terminates the current script.
* @see message_die
* @param mixed $expression the expression to be printed
* @param string $title the message title (optionnal, default will be 'Debug')
function dieprint_r ($expression, $title = '') {
if (!$title) {
$title = 'Debug'; //if title is omitted or false/null, default title
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, '<pre>' . print_r($expression, true) .'</pre>', $title);
* Outputs an error message and terminates the current script.
* Error will be output through Smarty one of the following templates :
* error_block.tpl if the header have already been printed ;
* error.tpl if the error ocurred before the header were called and printed.
* If smarty couldn't be loaded, old_message_die method will be called, which
* produces a table output.
* @param int $msg_code an integer constant identifying the error (HACK_ERROR, SQL_ERROR, GENERAL_ERROR)
* @param string $msg_text the error message text (optionnal, but recommanded)
* @param string $msg_title the error message title (optionnal)
* @param int $err_line the line number of the file where the error occured (optionnal, suggested value is __LINE__)
* @param string $err_line the path of file where the error occured (optionnal, suggested value is __FILE__)
* @param string $sql the SQL query (optionnal, used only if msg_code is SQL_ERROR)
function message_die ($msg_code, $msg_text = '', $msg_title = '', $err_line = '', $err_file = '', $sql = '') {
global $smarty, $db;
if ($smarty) {
$debug_text = $msg_text;
if ($err_line && $err_file)
$debug_text .= ' &mdash; ' . $err_file. ', ' . lang_get('line') . ' ' . $err_line ;
switch ($msg_code) {
$smarty->assign('TITLE', lang_get('UnauthorizedAccess'));
$smarty->assign('TITLE', lang_get('SQLError'));
$sql_error = $db->sql_error();
if ($sql_error['message'] != '') {
$debug_text .= '<br />' . lang_get('Error') . ' n° ' . $sql_error['code'] . lang_get('_t') .
' ' .$sql_error['message'];
$debug_text .= "</p><h2>Query:</h2><p>$sql";
$smarty->assign('WAP', "Message code error.<br />Expected: HACK_ERROR, SQL_ERROR, GENERAL_ERROR");
if ($msg_title)
$smarty->assign('TITLE', $msg_title);
$smarty->assign('TITLE', lang_get('GeneralError'));
$smarty->assign('ERROR_TEXT', $debug_text);
$template = (defined('HEADER_PRINTED') && HEADER_PRINTED) ? "error_block.tpl" : "error.tpl";
} else {
old_message_die($msg_code, $msg_text, $msg_title, $err_line, $err_file, $sql);
* Outputs an error message and terminates the current script.
* This is the message_die method from Espace Win, used on Zed as fallback if Smarty isn't initialized yet.
+ * Former "german style" error HTML markups have been removed.
* @param int $msg_code an integer constant identifying the error (HACK_ERROR, SQL_ERROR, GENERAL_ERROR)
* @param string $msg_text the error message text (optionnal, but recommanded)
* @param string $msg_title the error message title (optionnal)
* @param int $err_line the line number of the file where the error occured (optionnal, suggested value is __LINE__)
* @param string $err_line the path of file where the error occured (optionnal, suggested value is __FILE__)
* @param string $sql the SQL query (optionnal, used only if msg_code is SQL_ERROR)
* @deprecated since 0.1
function old_message_die($msg_code, $msg_text = '', $msg_title = '', $err_line = '', $err_file = '', $sql = '')
global $db, $Utilisateur;
$sql_store = $sql;
if ($msg_code == HACK_ERROR && $Utilisateur[user_id] < 1000) {
- global $LoginResult;
- foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
- $champs .= "<input type=hidden name=$name value=\"$value\" />";
- }
- $titre = "Qui êtes-vous ?";
- $debug_text = "Vous devez être authentifié pour accéder à cette page.";
- $debug_text .= "
- <FORM method='post'>
- $champs
- <table border='0'>
- <tr>
- <td><STRONG>Login</STRONG></td>
- <td><input name='Login' type='text' id='Login' value='$_POST[Login]' size='10' /></td>
- <td><STRONG>Mot de passe</STRONG></td>
- <td>
- <input name='MotDePasse' type='password' id='MotDePasse' size='10' />
- <input type='submit' name='LoginBox' value='Connexion' />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align=center COLSPAN=4><a href='/?Topic=My&Article=Enregistrer'>Je d&eacute;sire ouvrir un compte</a></td>
- </tr>
- </TABLE><span class=error>$LoginResult</span>
- </FORM>
- ";
+ die("You must be logged in to access to this resource.");
} elseif ($msg_code == HACK_ERROR) {
- $titre = "Accès non autorisé";
+ $title = "You aren't allowed to access this resource.";
$debug_text = $msg_text;
} elseif ($msg_code == SQL_ERROR) {
- $titre = "Erreur dans la requête SQL";
+ $title = "SQL error";
$sql_error = $db->sql_error();
$debug_text = $msg_text;
- if ( $err_line != '' && $err_file != '') $debug_text .= ' dans ' . $err_file. ', ligne ' . $err_line ;
- if ( $sql_error['message'] != '' ) $debug_text .= '<br />Erreur n° ' . $sql_error['code'] . ' : ' . $sql_error['message'];
- if ( $sql_store != '' ) $debug_text .= "<br /><strong>$sql_store</strong>";
+ if ($err_line != '' && $err_file != '') {
+ $debug_text .= ' in ' . $err_file. ', line ' . $err_line ;
+ }
+ if ($sql_error['message'] != '') {
+ $debug_text .= '<br />Error #' . $sql_error['code'] . ': ' . $sql_error['message'];
+ }
+ if ($sql_store != '') {
+ $debug_text .= "<br /><strong>$sql_store</strong>";
+ }
} elseif ($msg_code == GENERAL_ERROR) {
- $titre = $msg_title;
+ $title = $msg_title;
$debug_text = $msg_text;
if ($err_line && $err_file) {
- $debug_text .= "<BR />$err_file, ligne $err_line";
+ $debug_text .= "<br />$err_file, line $err_line";
- echo "
- <TABLE height='100%' cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width='100%' border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=middle>
- <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top rowSpan=5><IMG height=177 alt=''
- src='/_pict/error/notfound.jpg' width=163 border=0></TD>
- <TD colSpan=4><IMG height=2 alt='' src='/_pict/error/mrblue.gif'
- width=500 border=0></TD>
- <TD><IMG height=2 alt='' src='/_pict/error/undercover.gif' width=1
- border=0></TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=bottom rowSpan=4 bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><IMG height=43 alt=''
- src='/_pict/error/ecke.gif' width=14 border=0></TD>
- <TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2 bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>
- <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=470 border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT face='Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif' color=red
- size=4><B>$titre</B></FONT><BR>
- <IMG height=5 alt=''
- src='/_pict/error/undercover.gif' width=14 border=0><BR></TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT face='Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif' color=black
- size=2>$debug_text</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD>
- <TD align=right width=2 rowSpan=2 bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><IMG height=146 alt=''
- src='/_pict/error/mrblue.gif' width=2 border=0></TD>
- <TD bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><IMG height=132 alt='' src='/_pict/error/undercover.gif' width=1
- border=0></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><IMG height=14 alt='' src='/_pict/error/undercover.gif' width=1
- border=0></TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=2 alt='' src='/_pict/error/mrblue.gif'
- width=486 border=0></TD>
- <TD><IMG height=2 alt='' src='/_pict/error/undercover.gif' width=1
- border=0></TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=27 alt='' src='/_pict/error/undercover.gif'
- width=486 border=0></TD>
- <TD><IMG height=27 alt='' src='/_pict/error/undercover.gif' width=1
- border=0></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
- <P>&nbsp;</P>
- </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
- ";
- exit;
+ echo '<div id="fatal_error"><h2 class="fatal_error_title">';
+ echo $title;
+ echo '</h2><p class="fatal_error_message">';
+ echo $debug_text;
+ echo '</p></div';
+ die;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Nov 23, 16:23 (1 d, 4 h ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(11 KB)

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