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* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Insert
* Compiles the {insert} tag
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage Compiler
* @author Uwe Tews
* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Insert Class
class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Insert extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
* Compiles code for the {insert} tag
* @param array $args array with attributes from parser
* @param object $compiler compiler object
* @return string compiled code
public function compile($args, $compiler)
$this->compiler = $compiler;
$this->required_attributes = array('name');
$this->optional_attributes = array('_any');
// check and get attributes
$_attr = $this->_get_attributes($args);
// this tag must not be cached
$this->compiler->tag_nocache = true;
$_output = '<?php ';
// save posible attributes
$_name = 'insert_' . trim($_attr['name'], "'\"");
if (isset($_attr['assign'])) {
// output will be stored in a smarty variable instead of beind displayed
$_assign = $_attr['assign'];
// create variable to make shure that the compiler knows about its nocache status
$this->compiler->template->tpl_vars[trim($_attr['assign'], "'")] = new Smarty_Variable(null, true);
if (isset($_attr['script'])) {
// script which must be included
$_smarty_tpl = $compiler->template;
eval('$_script = ' . $_attr['script'] . ';');
if (!file_exists($_script)) {
$this->compiler->trigger_template_error('missing file "' . $_script . '"');
// code for script file loading
$_output .= 'require once ' . $_script . ';';
} else {
if (!is_callable($_name)) {
$this->compiler->trigger_template_error('function "' . $_name . '" is not callable');
// delete {insert} standard attributes
unset($_attr['name'], $_attr['assign'], $_attr['script']);
// convert attributes into parameter array string
$_paramsArray = array();
foreach ($_attr as $_key => $_value) {
$_paramsArray[] = "'$_key'=>$_value";
$_params = 'array(' . implode(",", $_paramsArray) . ')';
// call insert
if (isset($_assign)) {
$_output .= '$_smarty_tpl->assign(' . $_assign . ',' . $_name . '(' . $_params . '),true); ?>';
} else {
$this->compiler->has_output = true;
$_output .= 'echo ' . $_name . '(' . $_params . '); ?>';
return $_output;

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Sat, Feb 22, 15:27 (7 h, 41 m ago)
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smarty_internal_compile_insert.php (2 KB)

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