### profile.tpl - sidebar - content from http://photos.folleterre.org
LastSharedPhotos = Last shared photos on photos.folleterre.org
ViewRecentUploads = View all recent uploads
### profile.tpl - sidebar - post-it
#TODO: {$NAME} needs a pickup for {$lift->event->name}
IdealDate = Ideal date
From = From
OfferLift = Offer a lift
### profile_edit.tpl - edit
ProfileTextTitle = My best words to express myself
SaveProfile = Save profile
ProfileFont = Profile fontz
Calibri = Calibri (regular font)
FixedSys = FixedSys (fixed width)
### user_account.tpl - edit my information
Login = Login
LongName = Faerie name
RealName = <em>Mundanes</em> name
RealNameToolTip = Your first and last names (optional).
UpdateAccountInfo = Update account information
### profile_photo.tpl - photo manager - add a photo to my profile
AddPhoto = Add a photo to my profile
AddPhotoExplanations = You can upload here a personal photo with you as main subject.<br />Note you can also host any kind of pictures in <a href="http://photos.folleterre.org/albmgr.php">photo albums</a>.
ShortDescription = Short description
SafeForWorkLabel = Check this box if the picture is "<strong>safe for work</strong>", you can view it without problem from any public computer. That will allow some faeries to be more comfortable browsing the site from any location.
### profile_photo.tpl - photo manager - manage current photos
ManageCurrentPhotos = Manage current photos
PictureProperties = Picture properties
EditPictureProperties = Edit this picture description or safe status