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No OneTemporary


* Zed
* (c) 2010, Dereckson, some rights reserved
* Released under BSD license
* Explore current location
* For now, it's a storytelling engine like in livres dont vous êtes le héro
// Helper method
* Gets section to print to the user
* @param Story the story the section to get (yep, we could've global $story)
* @return StorySection the section, or null if not found
function get_section ($story) {
global $url, $smarty, $CurrentPerso;
//If the URL contains a choice guid, use it as story progress source
//e.g. /explore/143f7200-766b-7b8b-e3f4-9fbfeeaeb5dd
if (count($url) > 1) {
$guid = $url[1];
//Ensures we've a StorySection object in the Story variable
if (!array_key_exists('Story', $_SESSION)) {
$smarty->assign('WAP', lang_get('ExpiredStorySession'));
} else {
//Gets StoryChoice matching the guid
if (!$choice = $_SESSION['Story']->get_choice($guid)) {
$smarty->assign('WAP', lang_get('InvalidStoryGUID'));
//TODO: add code here to handle actions defined in choices
//e.g. item added to inventory
//Gets section
if ($section_id = $choice->goto) {
if (!array_key_exists($section_id, $story->sections)) {
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Choice <em>$choice->text</em> redirects to <em>$section_id</em> but this section doesn't exist.", "Story error");
return $story->sections[$section_id];
if (!$CurrentPerso->location_local) {
//Gets start section
return $story->get_start_section();
//Gets section matching perso location
return $story->get_section_from_location($CurrentPerso->location_local);
// Opens .xml file
$file = STORIES_DIR . '/' . $CurrentPerso->location_global . '.xml';
if (!file_exists($file)) {
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "If you want to write a story for this place, contact Dereckson — $file", "No story defined");
// Gets story
//Loads story and tries to get the section
$story = new Story($file);
$section = get_section($story);
//Ensures we've a section
if (!$section) {
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Nothing to do at this location. Contact Dereckson if you think it's a bug or you want to write a story here.", "Story");
//Performs section actions
if ($section->location_local) {
//Moves perso to section local location
$CurrentPerso->move_to(null, $section->location_local);
//Saves section in session, for choices handling
$_SESSION['Story'] = $section;
// HTML output
//Serves header
$smarty->assign('PAGE_TITLE', $story->title);
//Serves content
$smarty->assign("section", $section);
//Serves footer
$smarty->assign('screen', "Story, section $section->id");

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Feb 22, 20:21 (1 d, 15 m ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
explore.php (3 KB)

Event Timeline