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* Persos' requests
* Zed. The immensity of stars. The HyperShip. The people.
* (c) 2010, Dereckson, some rights reserved.
* Released under BSD license.
* This controller handle the /requests URL.
* It can also be called with the requests SmartLine command.
* It allows to prints a content page.
* This controllers uses the persorequests.tpl view.
* This controller offer AJAX capabilities but degrades gracefully in JS.
* @package Zed
* @subpackage Controllers
* @author Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson <>
* @copyright 2010 Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson
* @license BSD
* @version 0.1
* @link
* @link
* @filesource
* @todo move the get_ship function to a Ship::from_code method
* @todo Document the request system in the API documentation
/// Helper class and method
* A perso request
class PersoRequest {
public $message;
public $requestFlag;
public $flag;
public $store = 'perso';
public $value_allow = 1;
public $value_deny = 0;
* Initialies a perso request
* @param string $requestFlag the request's flag
* @param string $message the message to print
* @param string $message the flag to set, according the request approve/denial
function __construct ($requestFlag, $message, $flag) {
$this->requestFlag = $requestFlag;
$this->message = $message;
$this->flag = $flag;
* Gets ship from specified S00001 code
* @param string $ship_code the ship code (e.g. S00001)
* @return Ship the Ship class instance
function get_ship ($ship_code) {
static $ships;
$ship_id = substr($ship_code, 1);
if (!$ships[$ship_id]) $ships[$ship_id] = new Ship($ship_id);
return $ships[$ship_id];
* Gets request allow URL
* @param PersoRequest $request the perso request to confirm
* @return string the URL to allow the request
function get_request_allow_url ($request) {
return get_request_url($request->requestFlag, $request->store, $request->flag, $request->value_allow);
* Gets request deny URL
* @param PersoRequest $request the perso request to confirm
* @return string the URL to deny the request
function get_request_deny_url ($request) {
return get_request_url($request->requestFlag, $request->store, $request->flag, $request->value_deny);
* Gets request URL
* @param string $store 'perso' or 'registry'
* @param string $key the perso flag or registry key
* @param string $value the value to store
* @return the request URL
function get_request_url ($requestFlag, $store, $key, $value) {
global $Config;
$hash = md5($_SESSION['ID'] . $Config['SecretKey'] . $requestFlag . $store . $key . $value);
return "$Config[DoURL]/perso_request/$requestFlag/$store/$key/$value/$hash";
/// Get requests
//Loads perso request language file
//The array request will be passed to Smarty and will contain PersoRequest items.
$requests = array();
foreach ($CurrentPerso->flags as $flag => $value) {
if ($value && substr($flag, 0, 8) == "request.") {
if (string_starts_with($flag, 'request.api.ship.auth.')) {
//Gets ship
$ship_code = substr($flag, 22);
$ship = get_ship($ship_code);
//Adds request
$message = sprintf(lang_get('RequestShipAPIAuthenticate'), $ship->name);
$requests[] = new PersoRequest($flag, $message, substr($flag, 8));
} elseif (string_starts_with($flag, 'request.api.ship.session.')) {
//Gets ship
$ship_code = substr($flag, 25, 6);
$ship = get_ship($ship_code);
//Adds request
$message = sprintf(lang_get('RequestShipAPISessionConfirm'), $ship->name);
$request = new PersoRequest($flag, $message, substr($flag, 8));
$request->value_allow = $CurrentPerso->id;
$request->value_deny = -1;
$request->store = 'registry';
$requests[] = $request;
} else {
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Unknown request flag: $flag. Please report this bug.");
/// Requests handling
if (count($requests) == 0) {
//If site.requests flag is at 1 but we don't have request, ignore processing
$CurrentPerso->set_flag('site.requests', 0);
//We don't die, so next controller takes relay
} else {
/// HTML output
//Serves header
define('DOJO', true);
$smarty->assign('PAGE_TITLE', lang_get('PersoRequests'));
//Serves content
$smarty->assign('requests', $requests);
//Serves footer
$smarty->assign("screen", "Perso requests");

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Feb 22, 20:21 (23 h, 29 m ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
persorequest.php (5 KB)

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