WelcomeText = "<p>Welcome to the Zed alpha technical preview. Zed, it's a mix between a gallery, a place to meet new and existing friends, with some RPG inspiration.<br />
The concept is to have each information stored at physical places in a virtual world, like the 80s cyberspace vision. Another goal is to build a community sharing values like cooperation, freedom, ethic.</p>"
### Homepage - messages
#messages.tpl, Reply
Reply = Reply
#messages.tpl, the X link title
DeleteThisMessage = Delete this message
#home.php, messages error
MessageDeleted = Message deleted.
NotYourMessage = This message is not one of yours.
MessageAlreadyDeleted = Message already deleted.
### Perso create/select
NewCharacterCreated = New character created
CreateCharacter = Create a character
EditCharacter = Edit %s information
NoSexSpecified = "Pick a sex, or '<em>Neutral</em>' if you don't want to tell it."
NoNicknameSpecified = "You must pick a nickname, it's like your login to identify your character."
NoFullnameSpecified = "All beings must have a name."
NoRaceSpecified = "You've to specify a race: '<em>humanoid</em>' for human and co.<br />If you don't want to specify a race, use the generic '<em>being</em>'."
NicknameUnavailable = "This nickname is already used.<br />Choose a more original one."
PickPerso = Pick your perso
SwapPerso = "Swap perso (%s's logout)"
NewLocationNotify = "You're slowly awaking in a place you don't recognize."