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* Geo scene index class.
* Zed. The immensity of stars. The HyperShip. The people.
* (c) 2010, Dereckson, some rights reserved.
* Released under BSD license.
* @package Zed
* @subpackage Geo
* @author Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson <>
* @copyright 2010 Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson
* @license BSD
* @version 0.1
* @link
* @link
* @filesource
* This class implements a singleton pattern.
* Geo scene class
* This class provides an index of available scene template files.
class GeoSceneIndex {
* Global location templates array
* Keys are global location codes.
* Values the relevant template file.
* @var Array
public $global_templates;
* Rocal location templates 2D array
* Keys are global and local ocation codes.
* Values the relevant template file.
* e.g. $local_templates['B00017001']['(10, 50, 8)'] => 'B00017_port.tpl'
* @var Array
public $local_templates;
* Time of the last updated file in the scenes directory
* @var int
public $updated;
* The directory where templates are stored
* @var string
public $directory;
* The current cache instance array
* Keys are scene directories (string)
* Items are GeoSceneIndex instances
* @var Array
static $instance = array();
* Gets the cache instance, initializing it if needed
* @return Cache the cache instance, or null if nothing is cached
static function load ($directory) {
//Creates the index object if needed
if (!array_key_exists($directory, self::$instance)) {
self::$instance[$directory] = new GeoSceneIndex($directory);
return self::$instance[$directory];
* Initializes a new GeoSceneIndex istance
* @param string $directory the scene templates directory
public function __construct ($directory) {
$this->directory = $directory;
* Reads scene templates and indexes information
public function refresh_information () {
$this->global_templates = array();
$this->local_templates = array();
$this->updated = filemtime($this->directory);
if ($handle = opendir($this->directory)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (GeoScene::get_file_extension($file) == 'tpl') {
$template = file_get_contents($this->directory . '/' . $file, false, NULL, 0, 1024);
$location = self::get_template_location($template);
if ($location[1] !== NULL) {
$this->local_templates[$location[0]][$location[1]] = $file;
} elseif ($location[0] != NULL) {
$this->global_templates[$location[0]] = $file;
* Determines if the information is still up to date
* @return bool true if the information is up to date ; otherwise, false.
public function is_up_to_date () {
return ($this->updated == filemtime($this->directory));
* Gets template location
* @return Array an string array of the location (two items; global, local)
* At key 0, a string with global location, or NULL if not specified
* At key 1, a string with local location, or NULL if not specified
private static function get_template_location ($template) {
$location = array(NULL, NULL);
//Gets global location
$pos1 = strpos($template, "Global location: ") + 17;
$pos2 = strpos($template, "\n", $pos1);
$location[0] = trim(substr($template, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
//Gets local location
$pos1 = strpos($template, "Local location: ");
if ($pos1 !== false) {
$pos1 += 16;
$pos2 = strpos($template, "\n", $pos1);
$location[1] = trim(substr($template, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
return $location;
* Gets local template file from index
* @param string $location_global the global location
* @param string $location_global the local location
* @return string the relevant template scene file, or NULL if not existant
public function get_local_template ($location_global, $location_local) {
if (isset($this->local_templates[$location_global][$location_local])) {
return $this->local_templates[$location_global][$location_local];
return NULL;
* Gets global template file from index
* @param string $location_global the global location
* @return string the relevant template scene file, or NULL if not existant
public function get_global_template ($location_global) {
if (isset($this->global_templates[$location_global])) {
return $this->global_templates[$location_global];
return NULL;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Feb 22, 20:27 (2 d, 7 h ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
sceneindex.php (5 KB)

Event Timeline